Social Media | 11 Tips to Make Love Online

Social Media | 11 Tips to Make Love Online

Social Media Make Love OnlineAfter following each other for some time, I spot you across the crowded room, we exchange glances, knowing there may be some kind of opportunity for deeper engagement. I offer a needed service you have been craving. Something you have been interested in for a long time, but didn’t know where to begin.

Walking toward me, your heart begins to flutter, a tweet leaps from your mouth and we begin our conversation. 140 characters seems sufficient to open the floodgates for an evocative dialog. The thoughts are burning in your mind, the excitement is rising, the potential is looming.

No this isn’t a steamy bar scene. It is the meet and greet of social media marketing. We live online, showcasing our talents, character and desire for growing our businesses and networking in this universal kingdom of virtual reality.

The enormous digital office provides us with the opportunity to connect on a global level; peeking into the lives of potential suitors, sometimes like a voyeur, getting to know them, a feel for their integrity, reputation, business practices, and authentic voice.

We begin to make love online, in front of millions of people.  You put your best self forward utilizing your bios, content, conversation and social channels – eeking out a space for you and your company to shine in the eyes and minds of your audience; selling value.

  • We caress one another
  • Plump our plumage
  • Spruce our verbiage
  • Polish our online appearances to attract, retain and convert

If you are looking to find a mate, you engage in the same behaviors. You aren’t going to dress like you are meeting the boys to watch football or sit around on a Sunday watching a movie. You strut your stuff in meaningful ways, demonstrating your prowess.

Mama always warned me about bad touching and stranger danger but living and generating business in the social world requires we step beyond those old boundaries.  We are bombarded daily with suggestions, tips and tools about best practices for designing the premium marketing funnel to reach our clients and tweak their interest. How to write, what to write, where we need to be, where they are and what they need.  Landing pages, sales pages, e-newsletters, blog syndication, “plus” this, comment, like, give back or any other type of lubrication and enticement. You name it and there is a post about it.

We need to touch them and several times before they will take notice. This is an acceptable practice now. The petting police won’t shut down your server, but instead commend you for your continued marketing efforts. Please, just don’t spam with uninvited assumptions, emails or unwanted correspondence.  No one likes a stalker.

Show and speak with passion. Dress the part but more importantly BE the part.

“If you love what you do and have a sincere interest in those individuals that you meet along the journey, then not only will you benefit by your own efforts, but those you surround yourself with will be blessed with your knowledge and friendship” (@Dede_watson)

Social media isn’t manipulation, deceptive promises or presentation of false intentions. It is something that shows your real passion and heart for entrepreneurship. Your drive to help others flourish.

It is discovering the individual buyer personas, understanding their needs and offering solutions to their pain points.

  1. Meet them where they live and breathe
  2. Follow and appreciate who they are
  3. Truly comprehend what their businesses mean to them
  4. Be cognizant of their ideas
  5. Respect their business model
  6. Fire up your intuition about how you will help them
  7. Whisper strategy in their ear
  8. Caress their mind with explosive concepts
  9. Kiss them with helpful content
  10. Embrace them with service that leaves them breathless
  11. Drive home the opportunity for success and a productive, long-lasting partnership

Remember, if you aren’t making love to your clients, prospects or associates, someone else will.

Social Media is Like Online Dating

Social Media is Like Online Dating

Social Media If you have ever ventured into the world of online dating then you know how crazy and time consuming it can be. Sifting through the profiles and bios, trying to discover your authentic mate to date. You view the photos and written content, sorting out fact from fiction, never mind grammar and spelling. It can prove to be amusing and confusing.

Your social media presence should follow similar rules and etiquette if you want to meet your match. Your best client. Colleague. Business partner. Co-collaborator or even a mentor.

Make sure your bio represents the REAL you and your company. If you are on several social channels, ensure the same branding otherwise you will create confusion as to who you are, what products and services your business offers and who you serve.

Spelling and grammar do count. If you want to attract the best and be seen as a business professional, then take the time to proofread every piece of content. Don’t depend on spell-check. It isn’t human and certainly doesn’t catch all of the errors.

Every bit of correspondence is a reflection of you, your expertise, your brand, customer service and interest. Choose your subject lines carefully, respond in a timely manner, include methods of contact and again, spelling and grammar cannot be overlooked. There are no shortcuts.

Maintain professionalism on your platforms. Abstain from inappropriate images, content or any other verbiage that may portray you in a less than desirable manner. While each social network has its audience and voice, you still should tailor your speech and photos. You don’t always know who will be watching or searching for you.

93% of online research starts with a search engine, and 68% of consumers check out companies on social networking sites before buying. Brandpoint

Don’t try to be someone or something you are not.  Authenticity, honesty, integrity will help your brand and help to define you as a thought leader. Be credible.

Your online reputation will live in the depths of the virtual world for eternity. Don’t stand on pretense and false bravado. Be real.

97% of all consumers search for local businesses online. Relevanza

Upload professional images- fully clothed, nothing risque. No spinach in your teeth either. Just not advisable.

Engage in direct and straightforward communications. People can smell BS!!

Respond in a timely manner.

71% of consumers receiving a quick brand response on social media say they would likely recommend that brand to others. (Forbes)

Immediately troubleshoot any issues.

Using Twitter for social media? Great idea, but you’d better be listening. 81% of Twitter users expect a same-day response to questions and complaints aimed at brands. (Forbes)

Don’t simply depend on email or texting. Nurture your relationships via phone or SKYPE.

Do not email incessantly trying to sell yourself, your products or services. It is overkill and very unattractive. It takes time to build a foundation, rapport and relationship.  If you are pestering people, or constantly blowing your own horn, you will need another dating service. Ease up. Breathe. Be the person YOU would want to do business with.

The top five social networks used by B2B marketers to distribute content are LinkedIn (83%), Twitter (80%), Facebook (80%), YouTube (61%) and Google+ (39%). (Social Media Today)

78% of small businesses attract new customers through social media. (Relevanza)

Blogs convert readers into buyers. 42% of consumers look to blogs for information about potential purchases; 52% say blogs have impacted their purchase decisions; and 57% of marketers have acquired new customers with their blogs. (leaderswest Digital Marketing Journal)

Social media has a 100% higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing.  (HubSpot’s State of Inbound Marketing)

Keeping all these social media stats in mind, you can understand the vital importance of maintaining consistency, cross branding and professionalism. Social media is a fabulous tool to build brand recognition, establish credibility, create long-lasting relationships and scale your business, but it takes time, thought, planning and a little creativity.

Thanksgiving Gratitude

Thanksgiving Gratitude

Thanksgiving GratitudeAs we enter the holiday season, it is important to remember the family traditions and give thanks for the bounties we have. So often we overlook all of the treasures that we experience on a daily basis and are remiss from expressing our gratitude every day, not just during the holidays.

Each day is a gift to be held close to the heart, shared with your loved ones and openly communicated. Don’t wait for a special occasion or a tragedy. It is in this moment that you have the opportunity to tell someone you love and appreciate them. You value and respect them.

Hugs are free – give them often.

Be the last one to let go.

Look the other person in the eye, hold that gaze and let them know you truly care.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

May you have peace and joy EVERY DAY.

“Best of all is it to preserve everything in a pure, still heart, and let there be for every pulse a thanksgiving, and for every breath a song.” Konrad von Gesner

Social Media Building Blocks

Social Media Building Blocks


social media building blocks

Image credit: Inthenet Marketing

In the last post, Social Media and Your Brand Image, we discussed the significance of creating a cohesive message across all of your social media channels. It isn’t just enough to create your profiles; you must ensure they all clearly communicate your brand image, mission and values without any errors, broken links or poor content.

Your social media marketing efforts are the architectural structure, the blueprint toward creating communities, a positive customer experience, brand image, a following, online reputation and a strong digital footprint for a return on investment. It goes far beyond simply a few posts on various channels; it is a two-way conversation. Interaction. Collaboration. Education. Communication. Community.

“Social Media only serves to amplify the consumer experience.” Jeffrey Summers

Some clients have inquired about different bits and pieces of marketing components without taking into consideration their current online presence or lack thereof. Whether it is an email campaign, YouTube videos, e-books or teleseminars, without an audience, it won’t matter how much time and energy we invest to create these programs, because no one will be listening.

Without the proper foundation and building blocks, other marketing efforts are not nearly as successful because there may not be an audience, credibility, interest or social proof. This is the premise for building your network, being consistent, posting and most importantly, engaging. The engagement and building relationships is what will establish a following and authority.

In the compelling article by Fast Company, 10 Surprising Social Media Statistics That Will Make You Rethink Your Social Strategy they list some valuable stats that should help you to understand why you should plan before you simply “throw stuff” at the wall and expect it to stick. The numbers paint a picture! The data is intriguing but just because you have a widget to sell and some passion to back it up, it doesn’t translate to the digital world jumping on your bandwagon IF they don’t know you’re alive.  Consider how many people are online, searching for products and services every single day. You need to think about how YOU will be found amongst the sea of herrings.

  • Social media has taken over porn as the No. 1 activity on the web
  • The fastest growing demographic on Twitter is the 55–64 year age bracket
  • 93% of marketers use social media for business
  • 189 million of Facebook’s users are “mobile only


Ace Concierge Social Media

Building and maintaining your online relationships will eventually turn into revenue, but it does take time and effort.

You are able to develop not only your brand image and following but also a level of trust and loyalty. People buy from people and when they can see and follow you online, the relationship building begins and eventually converts to business.

It is paramount that your digital footprint, in each platform remain consistent and representative of your goals and mission. Even your content must clearly define and support your company and brand. Everything in life has plan, an outline with action steps.

  1. Choose your social channel (s) and have a solid strategy, a blueprint of your goals and desired outcomes.
  2. Participate on a regular basis. Frequency is key
  3. Maintain a positive image
  4. Ensure that your platforms are up to date and mirror your bios
  5. Nurture your relationships
  6. Organically grow your audience
  7. Create supporting content
  8. Share content of others
  9. Limit self-promotional posts
  10. Understand that your efforts are an INVESTMENT
  11. Build synergistically from the ground up

You can’t expect to construct a fortress by tossing a girders on the ground. Build your foundation first.




Social Media and Your Brand Image

Social Media and Your Brand Image

Ace Concierge Social Media Brand ImageWhen was the last time you performed a real social media audit on yourself and your business? Hopefully you maintain a spreadsheet or some sort of document outlining your social channels and online strategy to support and update your marketing efforts. If not, you may not be unaware of any broken links or possible inconsistencies whether in your email signature, online bios, website or the vast array of social media tools you employ.

When people search for you, what will they find and see about your brand?

Remember, your consumers, clients, colleagues and prospects are searching for you and clicking on your links. Your digital presence needs to be current and sending a uniform message. If there are errors or inconsistencies, consider the message you are sending to your audience.

Here is a recent example from a social media audit: broken links in the email signature and website, some of the navigation buttons returned an error page, the social bios did not match any of the social media posts, the most recent post was 1.5 months ago, there was no indication of the business or industry in anything that was shared, and there was little to no engagement on social channels. This is only the shortlist. I did not understand what the company truly did for their consumers. I was clueless.

“Your brand is the sum total of perceptions about your product in the heads of your relevant audience.” Mahesh Murthy

Every online platform should mirror your brand image, voice and mission. Take the time to review your email signature, bios, channels, content marketing; anything you share should resonate with your industry and your company. The last thing you want to do is trigger any confusion as to what you do or who you serve. There should be no question.

Deliver credibility!

Project a consistent brand image and you will make your brand more identifiable, giving your potential customers a sharper indication of your company’s identity, goals and culture. You will create the know, like, trust factor enabling you to convert your audience into customers and brand ambassadors.

A strong standardized brand image will help you establish your online reputation as a solid professional and reliable company. People will look to you as a valued resource and partner.

Be a thought leader.

Be a connector.

Be a giver.

If you are sending mixed messages, have broken information, or lack frequency and consistency, you won’t have an audience.

Without an audience, you can’t sell anything.

We live in a trust society. And people learn about you from your platforms. All of these things need to be in play if you want to hit a homerun.

Look at the statistics below: If all of these people below are online, don’t you want them to have a clear, concise idea of who you are, what you do, and who you serve?

  • Facebook has over 1.15 billion active users.
  • Google+ has 343 million active monthly users.
  • Twitter has over 288 million monthly active users.
  • LinkedIn has now reached 238 million users.
  • YouTube has over 1 billion unique visitors every month.
  • Instagram has now reached 130 million users.
  • Pinterest has 70 Million users.

What’s your message? If you are interested in another pair of eyes to review your channels and marketing efforts, please send us a message.

Let’s clean up your digital footprint so it is more than a shadow in the dark!!