
Measuring Success, Is it Dollars or Sense?

by | Aug 8, 2013 | Entrepreneur | 6 comments

Ace Concierge Measure of Success

How do you value or measure your success? Many place financial gain as their metric for success but does this really encompass all that you strive for? It is certainly one component but is it the “be all” to gauge your accomplishments?

There is always going to be someone else with more: more money, more things, more status, more friends. You name it; we are a society of more and that is unfortunate. This mentality leaves some in a state of inadequacy, never feeling secure, successful or complete.

When you are able to turn inward and discover your own strengths it becomes a healthier motivation for achievement.  Remove the emotional tickers and learn what is good for you. How you can be better at your career, relationships, parenting, and in your community.

The desire to grow should be a daily goal but based upon you and not your perceived success of others as you are a unique individual. Sure, be inspired for change, realizing it on your terms, your gifts to make a difference in your unique value proposition.

Just the other day I was speaking with a client about measuring success against the success of others and she told me: “You have arrived.”

Did I dance a bit? Heck yes.

Did I believe her? Yes, I did.

Have I compared my success level to that of others in my industry? Honestly? I have.  It became a powerful learning tool for me as I was able to look deeper into my company, what I am doing, what is different, what is the same,  what is (isn’t) working, what are my strengths and where can I improve.  I set my intentions, manifested goals, and knew what needed to be worked on.

Am I a success? YES and on many levels: as an entrepreneur, a mom, a caregiver, a thought leader, a friend, and even an X-wife.  I love what I do and do what I love. I am a passionate business owner driven to help others succeed.

I think my greatest accomplishment is being the best mom in the world or so I have been told. My daughter recently graduated college with a degree in forensic science from VCU and I still get the calls: “I love you so much, mom. You are an amazing role model.”

My most personal empowering experience? During my daughter’s sophomore year in college, she wanted home closer than 12 hours away.  Twitter directed me to North Carolina: a quick flight in August 2009 to find an apartment and then the solo 16-hour drive from NH to NC in October to begin my next adventure.

The most impactful would be caregivers for my mom and sister while they battled breast cancer. As my sister and I were leaving Dana Farber after her stem cell transplant, she looked at me and said: “I never could have gotten through each day without opening my eyes and seeing you in that chair.”

Treasured notes: one from my dad telling me how proud he is of me, my accomplishments, and my company. I love my dad.

Business successes are numerous: they can be counted, measured, and shared. “I have arrived” and I know this from the recommendations on LinkedIn, website testimonials, word of mouth referrals, shout outs on social media, growth of my client base, the client calls I receive just to hear their successes because they partnered with Ace, the positive network of other virtual assistants and colleagues, the expansion of my community,  earning the trust and respect of others, and the recent opportunities for interviews, guest author posts, and podcasts.

This is my view of success or at least part of it.

Life and business are constant opportunities for growth. If we stop learning, we stop living: we stagnate. Create richer value to share and assist others. Look for ways to instigate change (the infamous words of Chery Gegelman of Giana Consulting).

Have I achieved everything I want on MY terms? Not yet but that is why I have goals and action steps.

Do I facilitate daily growth and change? YES. I have a thirst for knowledge and a quest for learning to benefit myself and my clients.

Am I ready to buy my private plane or oceanfront home? Not yet but it isn’t always dollars it’s YOUR view….

More importantly: Am I satisfied and content with my place in this world? A resounding YES!

“The joy of life consists in the exercise of one’s energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal.” Aleister Crowley

The day isn’t over and I am still breathing.

Watch out world because I have arrived.

What is your measure of success? Is it only financial gain or are there other more intrinsic metrics to exemplify your growth achievements?


  1. Chery Gegelman


    I love your fun and very real post! …And yes – you have arrived! …And you are doing a marvelous job of reminding the rest of us how to stay focused on our priorities. (From time management to jelly beans that represent the number of days in our lives!)

    You are a gem!


    • Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant

      Thank you so much Chery. I enjoy the real posts as they are sharing a little more of me plus some downright full transparency which I think is important in this digital world.

      I appreciate YOU very much.

  2. Angie Fisher

    I love real posts like this. The type that you just can’t stop reading. I think that we always define and redefine success as we go through our lives and as we transition from one phase to another. I know success didn’t look the same to me as it did 5…even 10 years ago. It changes as you grow, learn and discover. Success for me is when I lay down at night and know that I was able to spend extra time with my kids that day, when I am able to help someone, even with something small. It gives me a natural “high” to see someone light up when you have helped them…you can even “hear” the lightbulb moment on the phone. LOL. So success for me is measured on all different kinds of levels. From being a mom, to a wife, to a business owner, to a friend and a fellow business networker. Success is what motivates me to work harder, do more and be more…it makes me yearn to do it differently so I can get that fulfilled feeling. Thank you for the great post!

    • Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant


      Thank you. I really appreciate it and am so glad you enjoyed the post. I do believe in the personal touch in this virtual world.

      Success is so different for all of us and changes as we grow. I love your insight!! When success is only measured in dollars, titles or accumulations, I personally believe people miss out and underestimate their greatness.

      Thanks again and cheers to your success.


  3. Lisa Sawyer

    A truly great post is one that comes straight from the author’s heart and touches the reader in their heart. You hit the bullseye with this post, Suzie.

    It has been a real pleasure working for and with you, and I am so glad you shared your story with the world.

    So, from my heart back to yours…thanks for the friendship, guidance, and inspiration!


    • Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant

      Thank you so much Lisa!! Where is the “like” button?? I am glad you enjoyed the post. 🙂

      It is the passion and understanding for different levels and types of success. Some have greater value and impact than others.
      You are an amazing virtual assistant and proud to have you on my team!!!