by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Jul 9, 2014 | Delegation, Small Business, Social Media, Virtual Assistant
Do you feel as though your day flies by without a minute to spare? Maybe you even missed lunch, got home late, or forgot to pick up something at the store? Gosh, I am sure you know the feeling. You are constantly on the go and doing something BUT is that “something” productive and getting you closer to your goals? Simply being busy isn’t results oriented.
Being productive means getting things done. As in you’ve actually accomplished something, not just filled out a fake status report marked “complete.” Learn how the work you do makes it to the finish line and how it adds to the bottom line of your company. Craig Golightly
At the end of the day have you reviewed your long laundry list and found that you still have a lot of washing to do? Well, you are not alone. Your entrepreneurial spirit is driving you to do it all and be it all, no matter what the cost. No matter what the activity.
You should seriously consider the busyness and the low payoff tasks versus the real core drivers of your business that produce the income. The tasks and projects that ONLY you can and should do.
If you are entrenched with 10, 20+ hours a week on social media management, curating content, writing, editing, proofing and scheduling blog posts, calendar management, writing newsletters, creating documents and templates or acting as the project manager, then WHO is operating your business?
Value your time!
Honor your skills!
As I mentioned in: “Leveraging Time and Your Core Genius,” when you are able to maximize your potential by focusing on your core genius, you become more productive and effective. While there are many daily business tasks that require attention, it doesn’t necessarily have to be on your time. Delegating the lower return projects and tasks gives you back your time to build your business, develop strategy, nurture relationships, foster loyalty, seek partnerships, and focus on your bottom line.
I received an email from an exceptionally valued long-time client who shared her To Do list with me. She stated: “These are just a few of the things I need to grow my business – and I am failing at doing them, but when I do, it totally pulls me away from the work I NEED to do that is billable.”
Her statement firmly relates back to leveraging time and focusing on what you do best to build and cultivate your company.
The following are some of the tasks and projects that she must faithfully devote her time doing in order to continue to expand her business. What an expansive undertaking! Remember: Time is money! Invest wisely.
Are all of these her core genius? Certainly not, however; they are must do activities for business development and progress.
- Keep my Social Media up to date for all these areas:
- Links, research, updates
- Linking to all other things I do – I.E.: when I write a blog post, making sure it is pushed out to every single place.
- Doing key word searches in Google to make sure key wording is in every article for the most relevant search terms.
- Document management systems – keep all my documents on the shared drive (in the cloud) up to date and in order by first cleaning up the mess I have going now… – including but not limited to:
- Client files
- Website files
- Corporate files
- Marketing materials
- Research documents etc.
- Source potential clients in my geographical location who are in start-up to med-sized businesses, active in Social media and who may or may not need idea sessions to get their business further along
- Requesting a meeting for me
- Setting it up
- Reviewing and updating my calendar so I keep better track because I always fail to put things in calendars
- Meet with me via Skype once a week to see what needs to be done and doing it
- Use my contract template documents for me and update them for each new client as it takes me days to get to these.
- Review and edit all files sent to all clients or outgoing parties
- Do all my research for the topics I write about so they can be backed by data
- All invoicing and receipts for clients
- All sourcing of industry related expert themes
- Managing my LinkedIn polls
- Creating my surveys for clients
- Creating templates for all my follow-up reports for each facilitated session
- Taking all of my current documentation and finding ways of repurposing it
- Taking all of my product development efforts and interviewing vendors
- Responding to and dealing with all incoming email from all websites with initial contact to let them know I am here and I did get their email, and when I will respond
- Setting up of appointments with clients, prospective clients, peers
- Researching all speaker opportunities and sending out my speaker packages and filling out the applications
- Researching all clients who have recently undergone a merger or acquisition and sending the change management brochures out to them
- Develop templates for my processes so I am not reinventing the wheel every time I work with a new client
- Updating my BIO on every single software site I have it listed (and tracking where that is) so I can ensure it is always consistent every time I change it
- Updating the company project software for me at the drop of an email – because I cannot always log in
- Managing the company project software and following up with deadlines of contractors
- Using your network to get them to post my quotes on quote sites so I continue to build credibility
- Sourcing the least expensive book editors to edit my writing of each chapter of the book I never have time to edit.
- Kicking my butt and making sure everything I say I “want to do” becomes an actionable item in the company product software and is due to YOU to review for me – rather than my leaving it in there without a date and just “wishing” it would happen
So, after reading this list, how many of these tasks do you hold on to that keep you working IN your business rather than ON it? We sometimes don’t realize all of the day to day activities that go into growing our companies, as they have become second nature while we are on autopilot.
All of these tasks and projects are NECESSARY but divert your attention from the most important facets of your company which ONLY you can do. These are the low payoff, non-income generators that aren’t the best value of your time.
ACTION ITEM: Record every single task, project or activity for one week, noting which line items are income producers, core genius or something that was a time robber and should have been outsourced.
Come back to me in one week and share your list. Let’s talk strategy and outcomes.
“One of the most critical was the ability to learn how to effectively delegate. It is a skill that every upstart entrepreneur must master if they wish to grow their business. Without delegation your business will be limited by your own time and energy.” Matthew Swyers
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | May 6, 2014 | Delegation, Entrepreneur, Virtual Assistant
What IF you could free up as much as 20% of your time for responsibilities and core business needs that truly matter? Would you do it? Would you make the investment?
“What tasks do you have to do yourself and what could you have others do? Tasks that have low value for your customers and are time-consuming — such as bookkeeping or administrative tasks — are ideal tasks to outsource.” Jordan Cohen
For some entrepreneurs partnering with a virtual assistant is unfamiliar territory and you may not fully comprehend the wide scope of work that can be efficiently outsourced to help free up your time. You may create mental roadblocks or perceived hurdles to prevent yourself from seeking assistance with your business. These alleged barriers can be easily overcome with a little in depth thought and evaluation to conquer your objections. Delegating is a key management strategy that will benefit you and your company.
1. I need control: It may also difficult to give up control of something you have always done and believe only you can do and do it best. This self-limiting thought process does not allow you the time or full productivity to dedicate to the core of your business. You may be buried and merely just busy doing more menial activities that are NOT the best value of your time. Delegating to a virtual assistant is a learning process for some but I have found that once you begin delegating, it becomes more second nature and such a stress relief to hand off projects. It is certainly more cost efficient as there are no taxes, health benefits, office space, insurances, office supplies or equipment. Your costs are only project based and that is it!! Delegating is a move to expansion, increased productivity, better time management, enhanced work life balance and a little more time in your day to focus on what is important, rather than on what needs to be done.
2. I can do it faster: This may be initially true, but after clear instructions, detailed outcomes, a few tips, your virtual assistant will become proficient at your task or project. They may even have more efficient tools and systems to manage your request. If this is an ongoing task, think about how much time you will free up by outsourcing it. It is the job of the virtual assistant to be expedient, efficient and provide quality work. We do this every day, for ourselves and our clients.
3. I can only rely on myself for the best results: Unfortunately, this does not represent a growth mentality. Your virtual assistant is an established business owner who understands delegating and accountability. Our goal is 100% satisfaction – our business and reputation depends on it. Every task or project is meticulously managed, double checked and triple checked to ensure you are happy with the output. We encourage your feedback and suggestions for our mutual success. As you know, we are only human and errors to do happen, but they are rectified.
4. I don’t know what to delegate: Examine your core competencies, what are you best at or what represents your fundamental business acumen. These are your high payoff activities that only you can do. Anything that is low value or does not generate revenue can be successfully delegated. A simple exercise would be to track all of your daily tasks and projects for one week. Note the time spent, any interruptions, what was accomplished, which items generated revenue and how many things on your To Do list still remain. Upon review, you will be able to more clearly define what you should do, delegate or dump.
5. Remote business operations can’t possible work: Oh but they do. For many of the day to day business tasks, a virtual assistant is your savvy, technological partner to help drive your organizational success. VAs must be able to utilize a variety of cloud based tools, computer software and applications to communicate and manage each and every task that is delegated. We are constantly reading and educating ourselves on a daily basis. We must remain current and ready to tackle any business objective. If we don’t have the skillset, someone on our team or within our industry is will to help. Virtual Assistants are your vested partner.
“Investments pay off over time – and that is what delegation does.” Kevin Eikenberry
A greater fear to consider is how much are you holding on to that is stopping you from focusing on the core of your business? What isn’t getting done? How many hours do you put in on a weekly basis?
Embrace delegation, don’t run from it. It is a low cost high payoff tool to help you scale your company and focus on the core of your business – what ONLY YOU can do.
In a recent article Harvard Business Review article: “The Skills Most Entrepreneurs Lack” by Bill Bonnstetter, he discussed a study which showed that entrepreneurs are lacking in self-management and planning and organization.
“Entrepreneurial-minded people are not proficient in managing themselves and their time. Often they need assistance managing everyday tasks and should hire or delegate them to someone who has mastered this skill. Similar to self-management, if entrepreneurs spent time planning and organizing every task or meeting, they would never get anything else done. Once again, hiring someone to keep their calendar, organize meetings and events, keep the office de-cluttered, and help keep them on schedule can put them at an advantage.“
Think long and hard about the value of your time and your daily To Do list. What should you begin delegating today?
The best way to figure out how to utilize a VA in your life, however, is to take 3 days of your life and for every task that you do, stop for a moment and ask yourself, “Can someone else do this for me and if so, can it be done online?”. You’ll find there are a tremendous amount of tasks that can be accomplished by a VA in this manner. An extremely valuable added bonus with this exercises is that once you start thinking in this manner, you’ll also gain a stronger appreciation for your time and value it more. This may be the most important lesson that you can learn! Stefan Pylarinos
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Apr 8, 2014 | Entrepreneur, Productivity, Small Business, Social Media, Virtual Assistant
It’s me! I’m not talking about Siri or Google Now. I’m real. I’m live. Not some plug and play doll, but a real human being, and educated executive with a vested interest in YOUR business success.
A Virtual Assistant is similar to an in-house team member but we help you manage your daily business operations and tasks from our office. We give your back your time to focus ON your business rather than IN it. All of the back end daily administrative and social media management can be a real time suck, which takes you away from your core business acumen. Your job is to run your business and not get bogged down and buried by routine tasks and lengthy To Do lists.
The Bonus of a Virtual Assistant Partnership?
You don’t have to pay for additional overhead, office space, training, insurances, vacation time, taxes, supplies, or furniture.
You only invest for the time spent working on your projects.
As a Virtual Assistant, I outsource as well, helping to increase my productivity, business development and efficiency. If I want to continue to scale my company, I know I can’t go it alone.
M. Shannon Hernandez of The Writing Whisperer,
“I knew that in order to grow my business, the way I envisioned from the very beginning, I needed a support team from the get go. When I am speaking with new business owners, or ones that can’t seem to find the time to get everything done, the very first piece of advice I offer is to partner with a virtual assistant. And once you do, you should embrace this person and her unique skill sets and treat her like a key player in your business.”
After Michael Hyatt left the role of CEO of Thomas Nelson, he rejoiced in the freedom of being his own boss with no more office politics and he was able to follow his passion. We all know that feeling. But soon enough,
“I was spending the bulk of my time responding to email, managing my calendar, booking my own travel, and handling the hundreds of details that go with running a small business. This went on for about three months. I felt like I was drowning. I was running out of hours—and energy. I had to do something.”
Michael created a team of Virtual Assistants!
“None of them work full-time for me. None of them are employees. Together they have enabled me to create a debt-free, highly-profitable, rapidly-growing business. I simply could not have done this without the use of virtual assistants.”
Managing your business and your online presence takes effort, hours, consistency and dedication. You know it is a 24/7/365 day a year journey. Not something part-time. Not a hobby. It is your passion to create and grow a thriving company. Can you do it ALL yourself without sacrificing quality and effectiveness?
“I believe every entrepreneur should be utilizing the sheer power of hiring and working with virtual staff. Back in 2010 when I made the escape from my office, I was doing it for my personal reasons. However, since then I’ve realized that my virtual team has helped our company to grow in not only an efficient way, but also in a much faster manner.” Chris Ducker.
What Can You Outsource to a Virtual Assistant?
The list is limitless!! Here’s a few ideas.
- Content research and curation
- Blog post creation
- Editing/proofing of blog posts, websites, documents
- Blog commenting
- Ghost writing
- Social media management
- Social bookmarking
- Directory submission
- Article marketing
- Web design
- Landing page design and set up
- Bookkeeping
- Calendaring
- Appointment scheduling
- Email management
- E-newsletters
- Customer follow up
Outsource Anything That
- Doesn’t directly generate revenue
- Isn’t your core genius
- Represents administrative tasks
- You don’t like to do
- You don’t want to do
- Is too tedious
- Takes up too much time
- Provides a low payoff
“The whole transition from working in the business to working on the business means letting go of what you’re comfortable doing. You always need to be thinking big and challenging yourself.” Mary Jo Gorman.
Tips to Working with a Virtual Assistant
After you have chosen your vested virtual partner be ready to experience outstanding results.
- Understand your daily processes and business operations
- Be well aware of your core genius and high payoff activities
- Clearly outline your goals
- Know what you want to outsource: for example, content curation, proofing/editing/uploading of blogs, email and calendar management, social media and project management
- Outsource one offs, projects, administrative tasks and daily business operations
- Establish your workflow
- Define specifics, desired outcomes, expectations and deadlines
- Prepare documents to support the processes you use to complete tasks. You may also discover that your VA has some other efficient tools and ideas as well. Be open for discussions
- Accountability and communications are a must for success and satisfaction
- Provide valued, honest feedback
- Trust the VA you have chosen – avoid the need to micromanage
- Expect to participate in monthly strategy calls to brainstorm, share ideas and talk about your business
- If they are to interact with your clients or vendors, create an email address for them at your domain
- Recognize that you are part of a TEAM, investing in your partnership and business
- Every month, review what is working and what isn’t. Consider outsourcing additional operations management or projects while you may decide to pull back others
- Continue to foster and nurture your relationship just like you would with an in-house staff member
Does this all sound enticing?
Do you ever wonder what or how your competition grows their business? If you are ready to scale and spend more time focused on your business core, then the time is NOW to think about partnering with a Virtual Assistant.
Reach out to Ace via our contact page and let’s get the discussions going.
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Mar 4, 2014 | Delegation, Virtual Assistant
The Virtual Assistant Industry is a vast network of professional entrepreneurs engaged in helping your business meet its goals for growth, increased revenue, online branding, image and exposure. We are your long term vested partners who are truly part of your team, your daily business operations and your second pair of hands and eyes to ensure everything is successfully managed to your satisfaction.
When you are looking for a vested partner, your goal should be someone with an entrepreneurial mindset who understands what it takes to not only get up and running, but who knows how to thrive in business and in the digital marketplace. While you can certainly choose an offshore call center to help manage day to day tasks, you will be missing out on the bigger part of your business success, a trusted like-minded entrepreneur.
My personal network is comprised of amazing women, dedicated virtual assistants, who are so willing to help one another, answer questions, provide assistance, referrals or even brainstorm. There aren’t too many industries with such a tight group of people who don’t fear competition or sharing of information. The client/virtual assistant relationship is based upon many different factors for each individual partnership and there must be a resonance along with the skill set to make them a cohesive productive team. Speaking from experience, my clients and I all work well together – communication, feedback and accountability are key components for success. Being in business since 2002, I have been very fortunate to engage with some amazing entrepreneurs. I think I learn as much from them, as they do from me. I hope so anyway.
Choosing to delegate is not always an easy step because you feel you are giving up control, but when you partner with an established virtual entrepreneur, you are choosing someone who is in business for themselves and know what it takes to succeed. The 365/24/7 mentality of a driven business owner will have a greater impact on your success, than an offshore call center who has one off task managers. Give careful consideration to your long term needs, your goals and what you expect from your delegatee. Established virtual assistants go above and beyond the request. We are always “on” in terms of your business. A task manager does that one task and nothing more. You may be asking about price and cost effectiveness. Just remember the old adage, “You get what you pay for.” Value, effort, dedication and commitment are priceless.
When I chose to build my team, I had several criteria that I would not compromise because my name goes behind every project, every task. I needed dedicated, focused entrepreneurs that I knew I could trust on many levels. Be patient and invest the time to build your team of like-minded experienced business owners to help you scale your company to the next level.
Tips to help you find a virtual assistant
Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are just three of the online platforms to help you find the perfect virtual assistant for you and your company. Due diligence is very important and shouldn’t be a shortcut to save time because in the long run, it will cost you.
- Ask questions about their business, history, why and when they got started.
- Review their website/blogs.
- Look for social proof.
- Ask for references.
- Request writing and portfolio samples.
- Follow and engage with them.
- Watch their writing style and shared content
- Are their emails professionally written?
- What software and tools do they use, both online and off?
- Do they respond to your email inquiries in a timely manner?’
- How do you perceive their online brand image?
- Are their social profiles sending cohesive messages?
- What are their greatest proficiencies?
- What are their hours and availability?
- Do they have off hours to meet your needs?
- Schedule a call or two.
- Did you feel a connection on the call?
- Were they engaging?
- Were all of your questions answered to your satisfaction?
- Did you get a feeling of authenticity?
- What are their strengths/weaknesses?
- Do they have an entrepreneurial mindset?
What attributes helped you choose your virtual assistant?
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Feb 25, 2014 | Small Business, Social Media, Virtual Assistant

I have been a long-time supporter of the partnering with other like-minded entrepreneurs and understanding the value they bring to the table. An entrepreneur is a different breed especially when considering building a virtual team to support and scale your business. It isn’t a hobby or a passing fancy – it is a passion we live and breathe every waking moment.
In Mark Harai’s recent post “Entrepreneurship is an Art,” he wrote:
“Entrepreneurship is an expression of every thought, imagination, hope and dream that drives your life and makes you “who you are.”
Entrepreneurs take the visions in their mind – the breadth, the depth, the magnificent colors, and bring them to life in the real world.”
When considering partnering with a virtual assistant, you do have many decisions to make that are beyond just wanting to move tasks off of your plate.
- Do you want a task master who only goes from point A to point B or do you desire someone who is truly interested in your success and your goals?
- Someone to brainstorm and consult with?
- An individual who delivers values, solutions and outcomes to your greatest pain points?
An established virtual assistant will do this and more while a call center is for one offs, the simple tasks to push off of your desk. A reputable, time-honored Virtual Assistant is a highly trained professional who MUST keep current on business management, social media, digital marketing and every other component of operating an online business. In order to keep up with the changes and trends of social media and the digital world, we must constantly read and absorb to be able to translate this knowledge to our client’s business, as well as our own.
We aren’t just here to collect a paycheck and get the job done. We run that extra mile for you because we want to. Because we treat your business as though it was our own. When you are mining for an executive virtual assistant to help take your business to the next level, keep in mind the qualities of an entrepreneur, how you live your day to day, and what you expect from a dedicated partner in your business. This mindset is a key driver for success.
Delegating enables you to scale your business, focus on your core company objectives, removes you from the daily back end details, and enhances your time management and productivity. When considering virtual assistance, think about creating a long-term partnership – not just checking off items on a To Do list. Partner with an entrepreneur and you will see measurable results.
“As the business owner, your time is extremely valuable, and you should be focusing on the items that only you can do! If you have the resources, consider hiring a virtual assistant to take care of these administrative tasks that are holding you back”. Brett Relander
Rebekah Radice and Jason T. Wiser produced a fabulous interview about being able to scale your business by working with virtual assistants. There were many valuable take-aways from the detailed discussion. It was wonderfully supportive of the industry as well as very educational for business owners who are strapped for time, help and needing to grow their companies.
Scale Your Business Beyond Yourself highlights the benefits and value of partnering with a virtual assistant to effectively grow and manage your business. I hope you will take the time to watch this 33 minute video, thinking about your business, goals and how you would like to expand your company in addition to creating a deeper more cohesive online presence.
Jason T. Wiser: “It’s time to stop trading hours for dollars.”
Your actions steps for right now:
- Review your tasks, projects, and goals (both short and long term)
- Recognize what can be outsourced
- Think about a true team partner for you and your company
- What do you value most and need?
- Reach out to Ace Concierge to discuss your pain points, project management and desired virtual outcomes.
Let’s get started before half of the year has gone by and you are still in the same place, doing the same things, needing more time to focus ON your business rather than IN it.

by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Jan 28, 2014 | Entrepreneur, Virtual Assistant
Entrepreneurs and small business owners alike are extremely busy building, generating, troubleshooting and growing their organizations to scale and own a piece in their market share. It can take an army to build a business; a team to orchestrate your success and manage each facet of your internal systems and processes.
Entrepreneurship requires 150% dedication, focus and effort. It is not a part time endeavor to embark upon while meandering through life. If you are choosing to operate a business, then you must live and breathe your corporation, from top to bottom, every day. A strong interrelated component to your company is your online world and reputation as a solid and reputable organization. Your customers are online every single day and you need to be where they are, serving them and providing solutions.
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” Calvin Coolidge
Social Media Marketing is essential platform as part of your marketing mix. Consumer buyer behavior reflects their consistent quest for up to the minute information about your company’s products and services. People buy from people and customers prefer the immediacy of the web, the data they can search, the recommendations they find and a community for their voice. You need to not only have an online presence but to be actively listening to your prospects, colleagues, partners, competition and clients.
“Companies need to realize how important it is to integrate social into every part of their marketing and communications plans of 2014.” Lindsay Bell & Laura Petrolino – Arment Dietrich, Inc.
Keeping a tidy and productive digital office necessitates a visible online presence with consistency and frequency or your voice will get lost within the noise and fundamental chatter. Building and maintaining your networks takes a lot of time, energy and focus. There are literally hundreds of social channels to choose from, which can be overwhelming. You need to evaluate and understand your audience, where they hang out, what they want and what they consume.
Managing your online presence, social channels AND daily business operations requires an extensive amount of time, energy and triaging of tasks and projects. Some days go much smoother than others, averting the challenges and roadblocks.
When you are hit with a few time bombs, take a step back or six, and ask yourself, what is the competition doing that I’m not? Why do they seem to effectively manage their day to day operations and business systems with such ease and simplicity?
They may just have a secret weapon that you don’t. A vested and dedicated partner.
A Virtual Assistant
“If you want to grow your business past a certain level, you’ve got to add more people. You’ve got 24 hours in the day, and you’re never going to get more. So if you need to take care of more stuff. . .because that’s what you need to do to grow a business—do more stuff—you’ve got to add other people’s 24 hours. You’ve GOT to delegate!” Laura Roeder
What does your competitor know that you don’t?
- Too many hats reduce their focus on their core mission. It isn’t about the fashion statement but getting things done.
- There is another entrepreneurial expert who can support their business, brainstorm ideas and share in the passion of building their business.
- They want to work ON their business rather than IN it.
- They understand the virtual assistant offers different strengths and brings a different skill set to the digital world.
- The Virtual Assistant uses a variety of tools and platforms to help enhance and expedite daily tasks and systems.
- They don’t need to stay updated on every single new tool or platform.
- They are better able to prioritize and accomplish their goals.
- Work life balance isn’t just a phrase but an important lifestyle decision.
- Social media is time suck and they need support to gain greater visibility and notoriety.
- An extra pair of eyes and “brain matter” benefits the editing and proofing process.
- Valuable and rich content curation takes hours of time and they want to focus on building relationships instead.
- They would rather be in the field networking and meeting clients than managing their appointment scheduling and reminders.
- They are able to be more organized and have increased time management to focus on what is important, rather than on what needs to be done.
- They save money by delegating because they only pay for project time, not benefits, insurances, training, office supplies or taxes.
- In order to make money and experience the ROI from their online activity, they value and understand the opportunity to partner with an executive Virtual Assistant.
“You cannot grow your business all on your own so stop trying to. It’s time for you to trust others to help you. Without delegation your business will be limited by your own time and energy.” Matthew Swyers
What will be your secret weapon in 2014 to help you drive your business and meet your goals? If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, you’ve got your Ace right here.