by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Apr 10, 2024 | Business Transformation, Productivity, Small Business

Hey, productivity masters! Today, I’d like to discuss a practical tool that significantly impacted my daily routine—the 2-Minute Rule. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by an ever-growing to-do list, this approach might be the solution you’re looking for.
It is quick, effective, and efficient. Let’s go!!
The Struggle of Overwhelming To-Do Lists
We’ve all been there. You sit down at your desk, determined to conquer the day, armed with a list of tasks that seems to grow exponentially as the hours tick by. It’s like playing a never-ending game of whack-a-mole, except the moles are your responsibilities, and they keep coming back. It’s just not doable.
I believed in prioritizing big tasks for maximum productivity. However, complex, high-level tasks require scheduled ‘deep focus.’ Allocate dedicated time for those larger projects and employ the 2-Minute Rule for the rest.
Enter the 2-Minute Rule
Cue the entrance of the 2-Minute Rule, my knight in shining armor, in the battle against an unruly to-do list. The concept is simple yet profound – if a task takes less than 2 minutes, do it immediately. No delays, no procrastination. Set a timer if you must, but get it done.
This strategy works wonders because, let’s face it, the small tasks are like weeds. Ignore them for too long, and suddenly your garden is overrun. Addressing tasks that take less than 2 minutes immediately prevents the accumulation of tiny chores that collectively can be a time-consuming nightmare.
Identifying the 2-Minute Tasks
You might wonder how to spot these quick 2-minute tasks. It’s simpler than you think. Consider them the readily manageable items in your productivity list—the emails needing a swift response, the postponed phone calls, or the documents needing minor edits.
If a task requires minimal effort and can be completed quickly, it falls into the 2-minute category. Remember that we’re not discussing monumental challenges; instead, we’re focusing on those doable tasks that, when addressed collectively, significantly enhance your daily efficiency.
Setting the Timer and Taking Control
One of the beauties of the 2-Minute Rule is its simplicity. All you need is a timer – your phone, a kitchen timer, or even an old-school hourglass. When you come across a task that fits the criteria, set the timer for 2 minutes and dive in. You’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in such a short time.
The timer serves as your accountability partner, urging you to stay focused and avoid getting lost in the black hole of small tasks. It transforms the mundane into a challenge, and who doesn’t love a good challenge, especially when it leads to increased productivity?
Breaking the Procrastination Cycle
Let’s be real; we’re all guilty of procrastination. There’s something strangely satisfying about pushing tasks to the bottom of the pile, convincing ourselves we’ll get to them eventually. But here’s the kicker – eventually rarely comes.
The 2-Minute Rule is a procrastination buster. It breaks the cycle by making tasks so manageable that delaying them becomes absurd. It’s like telling yourself, “Why put it off for later? What can I finish now and be done with it?”
My Transformation
I can’t stress enough how this simple rule transformed my daily life. The feeling of accomplishment that comes from quickly knocking off tasks is addictive. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the never-ending to-do list, I now see it as a series of small victories waiting to be claimed.
The big tasks still loom on the horizon, but they no longer cast a shadow over my entire day. By mastering the 2-Minute Rule, I’ve regained control of my time. I no longer dread the small tasks, and my productivity graph has shot through the roof.
So, there you have it – the secret weapon that helped me regain control of my time and boost my overall productivity. The 2-Minute Rule is not just a strategy; it’s a mindset shift. It’s about acknowledging the power of small actions and understanding that they add to significant results.
Try it; set a timer, tackle those quick tasks, and witness the magic unfold. The 2-Minute Rule is not just a time management technique; it’s a game-changer that puts you back in the driver’s seat of your day.
Say goodbye to the overwhelm and hello to ultimate time control! ⏰
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Dec 15, 2020 | Productivity, Small Business

If you find that you’re not crushing your productivity and things just aren’t getting done, then you may want to keep reading.
Organizing is one key component to your productivity and time management to bring you back to a central focus, keeping you on task and driven for success.
There are some simple straightforward, no-brainer things you can do every day. They don’t cost anything and they will only help you invest more in yourself, your business, and your time.
Maximize your time to work smarter, not harder. Let’s get started,
Productivity Simplicity
- Priorities: have them. Understand them. Commit to them. Determine what is most important in your day, life, and business. That’s what you need to be doing
- Make a plan: merely thinking about doing something isn’t enough to achieve important tasks and milestones. List out action steps
- Prepare for deviations: they happen. You will be sidetracked but with proper planning, you can quickly redirect
- Move your body. Exercise is a chief factor in your vitality and daily energy levels
- Do less, but do it more strategically by delegating, dumping, or deleting, leaving time for what’s essential for you to accomplish
- Set realistic timelines: deadlines keep you from scrambling and only half finishing your lists or not putting in 100%. If you can’t give it your all, then it is half-ass. Do you want that?
- Tick tock: don’t be ruled by the clock. It does not tell you if you are being more efficient and productive. Your output does. 9-5 does not mean anything if you are just “busy”
- Set goals: this helps to keep you on target daily, weekly, and monthly. Revisit your list and revise it as needed
- Eliminate your distractions: there is nothing worse than the ping of a notification, social media, TV, phone, etc that will detract your focus. Tune out and turn off. It is okay. You will not lose anything but you have everything to gain. Be in the moment and nowhere else
- Don’t multi-task: it does impede your productivity, decrease your brainpower, and limits your true attention to getting one thing right. Emphasize one project, one task at a time.
- Ask yourself, “How or does, this serve my goals?” If something doesn’t serve you, then STOP!
- Be accountable: yes, how you manage your day and your time is up to you and only you. Own it. Do it. Be the best boss of yourself
- Focus on results and outcomes, not busy time
- Timers: they work! Set a timer for 30 minutes that you will devote to the time on task. Do not stop. Don’t stray. Just do it. At the end of those 30, take a 5-minute break and then hit it again.
- Break the e-chains: don’t be held hostage to your email. Set a reminder from your timer in tip #14, to check your email 4X/day
- Review/Revisit/Revise: every night, review your day to set your goals/action steps for the following day. This is a key component to your successful productivity planning
- Shout, ME ME: yes, you must self-invest and establish a healthy work-life balance. Schedule in a time that is away from work; away from must-do’s and have some fun. Refresh and refocus your brain and your body
These action steps may seem like simple, common sense activities, but how many do you faithfully implement and maintain as daily habits?
Daily healthy productivity habits are the key to enhanced, quality output and measurable results. Nothing will change until you develop a consistent routine with firm systems, processes, and an understanding of your triggers that may set you off on a wanderlust of to-do list mismanagement. For example, eating 12 apples on a Saturday certainly won’t improve your health. Willy nilly organization won’t improve your results.
Get started TODAY. Forget about procrastinating, waiting for a better day, the right time, or perhaps, a New Year’s Resolution. RESOLVE to make daily changes for 365 days, every year. Consistency delivers results. Master your productivity with your commitment.
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Nov 24, 2020 | Guest Blogger, Small Business, Social Media

There are so many different social networks to be on today, it is no wonder small business owners feel their heads spinning when they think about it.
- Facebook
- Instagram
- Twitter
- TikTok
- Snapchat
- Pinterest
- LinkedIn
- Reddit
- Parler
- Mixx
- Flipboard
- Me-We
- YouTube
- Rumble
These are just the most recently popular social networking websites where people gather today.
So, what is a small business owner to do? Let us look at some options here:
Ask Where Your Clients Are on Social Media
Yes, you can ask your clients which social network sites they participate the most on. When they visit your business online or in-person be ready to ask them. Online, you can send out a quiz via email or even on a landing page of your website. If you are an eCommerce merchant, you can easily check your Google analytics to see where people are coming from to your website.
Do Some Research
Many of the networks have a completely different audience. Many young people on TikTok may not even use Facebook or LinkedIn for example. Stay tuned with the latest trends of where people are going online. Recently many conservative-minded people fled over to Parler. Some even quit being on Facebook and Twitter.
It is not always about which social channel has the most users, but about which channel has more of YOUR user base.
The Big Three Social Networks
The big 3 are Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter in the United States. These are the social media sites with the most users. They do not necessarily spend the most time on these but that is where they have an account and login at least once per month. Interestingly, the site with the most time spent is over on Instagram. So, if you have a younger female clientele, Instagram would be your #1 choice for where to market your business.
But remember if you need a large broad audience, these big 3 networks are where you will need to be.
Best Social Sites for B2B
Now on the other hand, if you are doing business just with other businesses you may want to consider LinkedIn. LinkedIn is known as the professional social media network. Most people talk business only on this professional network. Keep that in mind!
Younger Audience Networks
If the teenagers and young people in their 20’s and 30ths are your target audience then maybe TokTok or SnapChat would be where you want to market to. But do remember, it’s not where the highest earners go to be social.
Reaching Higher Income Demographic
As I researched this one recently it took me by surprise! YouTube far outranks all the others in a higher income user. Yes, YouTube! 83% of users on YouTube earn over $75+K per year. The next one that even comes close is Facebook with 74% of its user base earning $75+K.
The least was SnapChat audience at 22% of its audience earning the $75+ per year. Twitter came in at 32%, Pinterest at 41%, TikTok at 40%, and LinkedIn at 49%.
Best Social Media Networks for Customer Service
So, another thing to consider when choosing your social media sites to be on or advertise on is customer service. I love the speed of customer service over on Twitter. So, if your business handles a lot of customer service questions or complaints, Twitter is the place to be on.
Customer service works when someone tweets a business and then the business takes it as a private direct message. That way the whole thing does not air out in public. Many companies will either call or email you to help you resolve a problem or issue.
Up and Coming Parler and Rumble
Recently 2 other social media sites have exploded in the United States due to censorship claims. Millions have signed up on both and many left Facebook and Twitter as they signed up for Parler. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out in the coming months. Will they continue to stay on Parler? Will they stay off of Facebook and Twitter?
I believe Twitter may be in more danger as Parler has a familiar Twitter feel to it. I will say Parler seems to be handling their growing pains better than Twitter did a decade ago with their fail whale. Twitter used to be out for hours upon hours. I have not seen that with Parler though some users had trouble signing up on the busy weekend.
Parler is a more conservative network in many ways and they do not allow terrorists, spam, unsolicited ads, pornography, threats to harm, porn, blackmail, and content that glorifies violence against animals. If you see anything that looks suspicious you can report them just like on Twitter and Facebook
Rumble came about as YouTube videos were being taken down as fast as they were being put up. Rumble was formed to provide video creators a way to host, manage, distribute, create OTT [over the top] feeds, and monetize their content. Political commentator Dan Bongino co-owns the platform. “We need somewhere to go where conservative views won’t be discriminated against,” Rumble is similar to use as YouTube.
Your Turn
So where will you spend your time and effort marketing in the coming year? Which social media platform (s) will you spend marketing dollars on? Let’s discuss in the comments below.
Guest Author
Lisa Sicard
Lisa loves helping others to thrive online through Social Media, Blogging, and SEO. What good is knowledge if you cannot share it with others? She has 30+ years of experience in marketing/advertising with 9 years of experience in content marketing, social media, blogging, and SEO. Check out her latest eBook “How to Tweet and Thrive on Twitter” now on Amazon.
Connect with Lisa
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Mar 27, 2020 | Small Business, Social Media

As a brand, it may seem prudent to step back and stop posting or creating ads on social media. We are in a crisis mode – on overdrive, fighting a global pandemic. COVID19 has infiltrated every aspect of our lives.
BUT! Perhaps you may want to reconsider.
Consumers are longing for answers, distractions, entertainment, messages of support, things they can do at home and a way to process this new sense of [crazy] ‘normal.’
HELP them.
Remain active. Challenge your own status quo. Get in front of people (6’). Don’t be afraid to do something different. Creativity in business goes a long way. Every effort you make is not only a deposit for your audience but also for your business.
Maintain sensitivity and respect with your content. Table the hard-selling, remembering many people are out of work and unsure of their future. They don’t want to buy what you are pushing. They are in survival mode struggling to pay bills and make ends meet. Be thought FULL by showing how you add value and compassion. These are hard times for all. Your customer needs you to think about them.
Shift priorities from the sale to customer relationships. That’s where retention lives. Your goal is to show support using the talents you bring to the table. Being relevant to today; it is your survival tool.
Social distancing is the buzz word but it is actually physical distancing. People have become MORE social, finding ways to remain connected, reach out and still engage in a new world. Kids are having virtual playdates, adults share drinks and stories via video, companies hold virtual happy hours. People holler to their neighbors across the street. This is your new audience. For now. Meet them where they need you.
Make the time to:
- Check-in with customers via text, phone, email or video
- Create handbooks and white papers
- Make offline events into webinars
- Support other small businesses
- Create fun social media contests
- Share some of your daily business activities
- Invite people into your day with video
- Make ‘how to’ videos
- Organize a virtual lunch meeting
- Brainstorm unique and resourceful tools, packages, or products to fill the social distancing void
- Review your website
- Write blog posts
- Build or enhance your digital footprint
If you’re unsure of a direction, please feel free to PM me to chat.
I want to share a local example of an AMAZING young couple, who are on top of social media, they have their finger on the pulse of their city, understand their customer needs, all the while, supporting other local businesses. I love this couple. I can’t say enough about them.
Kelley Farm Kitchen in Harper’s Ferry, WV is a phenomenal illustration of meeting customer wishes while instituting the highest level of safety measures. On March 20th, the owners posted a detailed video of their meticulous COVID-19 restaurant mandates from start to finish, including sanitization, the outdoor customer signage, menu placement, and disposal, down to the NO guest policy and pickup procedure. All of their Facebook posts profess their love and gratitude for the support and opportunity to serve the public. They consistently outline their policies and procedures, making sure everyone fully understands how, what and why they want to protect their clients. Always so genuine and from the heart.
Times are tough. The days are challenging. Couples must telework together [nightmare for many]. Finances are tight and some of the news is grim. We humans are tough and resilient. We will get through this.
Be resourceful and creative.
Find the compassion to be patient.
Support local businesses.
Innovate and inspire.
Step into each day with a positive mindset. It is a new opportunity to extend your hand for a better tomorrow.
If you know of a local business like Kelley Farm Kitchen or have read a story of innovative business practices, please share them here!
PS, remember that you still need to shower, brush your teeth and get dressed for work, no matter what your office consists of.
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Sep 4, 2018 | Entrepreneur, Guest Blogger, Marketing, Small Business, Social Media

If you want to successfully promote your business, you need to know how to create effective landing pages. Distraction free landing pages can help you generate more leads and sales. If set up properly they can achieve conversion rates as high as 60% or more.
Therefore, today I am going to show you how to create landing pages that convert…
Find a landing page software:
The first thing you must do is get yourself a landing page software. Of course, you can always hire a designer to create the landing page for you. But using a tool will save you time and work out cheaper.
Most of the top ones provide access to several templates with which you can design your landing pages quickly. You also won’t need to hire a designer every time you need an edit. A couple of good landing page design tools you can try are Leadpages and Unbounce.

They have templates that will make it easy for you to design webinar landing pages, product landing pages and more.
Design the landing page:
After you choose your landing page software choose a template that will suit your project best. Then you can begin designing your landing page. Start by writing a headline. It should be both attention grabbing and enticing as it needs to convince people to read the rest of the landing page.
You should also optimize it for social media so that the headlines will drive more clicks and shares.
Next, write the body copy. The goal of the body copy should be to convince people that signing up for the content in exchange for their details or buying the product is worth it. The best way to do this is by discussing the benefits of the content or product.
Start with a short paragraph and then continue with bullet points that quickly state the benefits.
After that you can end with a call to action that asks people to ‘Sign Up’ or ‘Buy Now’ to gain access.
Here’s a good example of a landing page from Hubspot that promotes a free marketing assessment…

As you can see it starts with an attractive headline followed by a sub headline. After that you have a couple of short paragraphs which are followed by bullet points that state the benefits of the assessment.
Finally, it ends with a call to action that asks people to fill up the form.
Another important step they have taken here is adding their logo at the top. When people see this they will instantly know that this is a promotion from Hubspot. If you don’t have a logo, you should at least add your company name at the top.
Attach it to a domain:
The aforementioned landing page design tools can host your landing page. So, you can set them up there. But if you want them to have an extra layer of credibility you should host it on your own domain. When people see that the name on the logo matches with the one in your URL they will trust you more.
So, attach it to your website.
If you are a startup and haven’t got a website, you can purchase one using a domain name finding tool.

When you type in the name of your company in the search field it will find all the domain names available and you can buy the one you like most.
Once you have a domain you can attach the landing page to it and it will look very credible. Some landing page design tools have their own WordPress plugins. So, if your website runs on WordPress, adding the landing page to it should be much easier.
Send traffic and test results:
The next thing you must do is send traffic to this landing page. This should be done through both organic and paid methods.
While you do this watch out for the conversion rates to see if they meet the industry standards. If it is not converting well enough you should make some modifications to see if it improves.
Split test different versions:
Another thing you can try is to split test your landing pages right from the start. This is where you create different versions of your landing page and then simultaneously send the same amount of traffic to all of them to see which converts the best. To help with split testing you can use a free tool like Google Optimize.
Now create your landing pages…
This is how you create landing pages that convert. Start by getting a landing page design tool. Next, choose a template and add your copy to it. After that you can attach it to a domain and send traffic.
While you do this you should regularly monitor your page to make sure it is converting well enough.
How do you create your landing pages? Do you use any tools or do you design them from scratch? Please leave your comments below.
Guest Author
Mitt Ray is the founder of Social Marketing Writing, where you can download 100 free social media background images.
Connect with Mitt
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Jan 10, 2018 | Guest Blogger, Small Business, Social Media
To successfully promote your business with social media, you need a strategy in place. A well-built strategy provides your business with a path that works. It also makes it easy to measure results and check if what you are doing is working or if you need to make changes.
Therefore, in this post I am going to show you how to create an effective social media strategy for 2018. Read my tips and implement them to ensure you get positive results from your social media marketing in the new year…
Choose goals:
A strategy only works if it is results oriented. Hence, before you create your strategy you need to choose goals. For example, if you are running a business the main goals of your social media strategy should be to generate more revenue or things that contribute to boosting revenue like traffic and leads.
Most people make the mistake of choosing apex goals like increasing engagement and followers. These goals are important too and should be part of your strategy, but they shouldn’t be your apex goals. Only have apex goals that have a direct impact on your revenue. After that begin choosing the secondary goals that can have an impact on your apex goals.
Research your audience, social networks and competitors:
Once you know your goals you need to conduct plenty of research to learn as much as you can about your audience. For this you should conduct interviews and surveys.
Conduct social media research

Also, checkout the latest social media demographics research put out by credible organisations like Pew.
Once you know your audience and the networks they use you should conduct research on the social networks they are most active on. Next figure out which ones you would like your business to be active on.
Once you know the social networks you want to use you can learn the best practices and use social media analytics tools to spy on your competitors. See what type of content they create and how it is working for them.
Practice visual content creation skills:
If you look at the fastest growing social networks right now (Pinterest, Instagram and Snapchat) you will realise that they are very visual centric (you can only post visuals on these networks). Also, if you checkout recent research on established networks like Facebook you will see that images drive the highest engagement here.
This is why you should invest plenty of your time to learn as much as you can about creating visual content. This should include understanding basic design principles and the types of images that fare well on different networks.
Once you understand this, creating great visual content shouldn’t be a problem as there plenty of online visual editors that make the process of design easy. They come with premade templates and design ideas too.
Create social media visuals

A company that certainly understand the importance of visual content is Whole Foods. Make sure you checkout their Pinterest and Instagram pages to gain some inspiration.
Incorporate blogging and other content:
Building a social presence with engaging content is an important step, but along with this you must share content from your blog. This lets you transfer some of the engagement onto your blog where you will have the opportunity to convert traffic to leads and sales.
Write longer posts

For best results you should step away from creating short blog posts as a study by Buzzsumo found that long posts between 3,000 and 10,000 words get the most shares. But make sure the entire post is filled with quality information. Just beefing up a blog post with filler content won’t do.
Write long top quality posts

An example of a quality post is Social Media Marketing Made Simple by Neil Patel. It is over 3,000 words long, but every inch of it is filled with quality information.
You should publish long posts like this a few times a week. But if you are pressed for time try you can write them once a week or once every 2 weeks.
Along with the blog post create other forms of content like ebooks, white papers and webinars that can convert blog traffic into leads.
Regularly modify your strategy:
No matter how carful you are with the initial research, you won’t set up the perfect strategy in your first attempt. On top of that industry trends change and social networks are redesigned with the introduction of new features. Hence, you should use a good analytics tool to regularly analyse your strategy and make any modifications if necessary.
Gradually you will be able to build the perfect social media strategy. Of course, you will need to make modifications every few months as trends and features change.
Now go and set up your strategy for the new year…
These are all the steps you must follow while creating an effective social media strategy for 2018. Start by choosing your goals and gathering as much data as you can on your audience and the social network they frequent. Next spy on your competitors and see what’s working for them.
After that get active and begin creating visual content and blog content that will help you accomplish your business goals. And don’t forget to regularly analyse your results and determine if what you are doing is working.
Guest Author
Mitt Ray is the founder of Social Marketing Writing, where you can download 100 free social media background images.
Connect with Mitt