by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Dec 1, 2024 | Goals, Life Thoughts

Traditionally, the end of the year brings about a time for renewal and reflection. What worked, what didn’t, where can you improve, and how will you set the world on fire next year? Isn’t it exciting to think of everything you’d like to accomplish?
New directions and goals.
Start fresh and put the past in the past.
Your resolutions fly off the tongue. You are inspired and driven for change. It’ll be the best year ever. Right? Does this sound familiar?
Studies have shown that less than 25% of people are successful at staying committed to their resolutions after 30 days.
Why are resolutions shelved for the END of the year?
You are a work in progress. Constantly evolving, growing, changing, like a chameleon.
Instead of New Year’s Resolutions, consider goals: daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Alongside the goals, you can establish habits that are long-lasting and life-changing.
90% of resolutions often fail after two short months. One possible reason is willpower. You know you have it. You’ve tested it, but how long does your iron fist (if necessary) keep on target with your goals? Willpower can be a tricky mind game.
Willpower, like a bicep, can only exert itself so long before it gives out; it’s an extremely limited mental resource. Jonah Lehrer
Why do resolutions fail?
- Overzealous ideas
- Taking on too much
- Lack of real desire for change
- Minimal effort
- Adopting someone else’s resolutions
- It’s something you think you should do, rather than want to do
- Quitting too early
Sure, you had admirable intentions and passion for change but when it is a once-a-year review, it is more challenging to persevere.
An overnight quick fix is not the solution. This mindset is transactional, not transformational. Transformation involves ongoing introspection, discovery, pivots, and corrections.
Create habits and rituals that are indestructible commitments to yourself, your business, or your life.
A prime example is exercise and a gym membership. Enthusiasts show up every January ready to pump iron and sweat it out until they hit their lofty goals. By the end of the first month, most of those once motivated gym-goers are long gone. By February, you’ll typically find only those who have made fitness a lifestyle.
You might be sick and tired of some things in your life or your business, but when you make “resolutions” out of desperation and frustration, they are more challenging to maintain. You may deeply want them. You may feel passionate about change and be ready to execute but think seriously about what you want and why.
Change is ongoing, not a fleeting thought to revisit once a year.
How can you guarantee greater success?
- Start small
- Tie your goal to a habit
- Write down your goals WITH action steps
- Think: S.M.A.R.T. Goals: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely
- Be realistic, not too grandiose
- Make a vision board
- Inspire and motivate yourself
- Celebrate your successes – no matter how large or small
- Be accountable
- Involve others
- Understand you will have ups and downs (that’s okay)
- Realize change takes energy
- Failure is acceptable because you will try again
- Have a plan for your perceived roadblocks
- If you want different results, change the experiment
- Changing or modifying a behavior takes time
- YOU do have time
- Dump the inner critic!!
- When in doubt, ask yourself: “How does this serve my goals?”
- Work on yourself ALL year, not just at the end
Are you ready to create new yearlong habits or New Year’s Resolutions?
Remember this: YOU are the architect of your life. Build your vision.
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Feb 14, 2024 | Leadership, Life Thoughts, Productivity
We all dream of a better life, but sometimes we forget that the smallest steps can lead us to greatness. Welcome to the world of micro-habits! These little guys are the secret to unlocking a world of efficiency and happiness.
Unleashing the Power of Micro-Habits
Micro-habits are the tiniest of tiny habits. They are like mini superheroes that, when used consistently, can change your life. Unlike big, scary habits, micro-habits are simple and easy to sneak into your daily routine.
The Science Behind Micro-Habits
Our brains love rewards, and micro-habits deliver! When we do something positive and tiny, our brain gets a boost of happiness, making us want to do it again and again.
Starting with One Tiny Habit
Time to start your micro-adventure! Pick one area in your life that needs a little help and find a tiny habit that can help. Maybe it’s doing a quick stretch, drinking more water, or taking a deep breath. Remember, the little things can add up to big changes.
Consistency is Key
The magic of micro-habits is that they need to be done regularly. Set a time for your chosen micro-habit and stick to it. The more you do it, the more it becomes a part of your routine.
Stackable Habits for Maximum Impact
Micro-habits are like building blocks – you can stack them for a bigger impact. Find an existing habit you already do and add a new micro-habit to it. Maybe it’s doing a little dance while brushing your teeth, or taking a deep breath before checking your email. James Clear talks a great deal about habit stacking in Atomic Habits. (also available on Audible!!)
Doing a little bit is infinitely bigger and better than doing nothing. Stephen Guise, Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results
10 Micro-Habits to Start Today:
- Morning Stretch Ritual: Wake up and shake up! Stretching for just a few minutes each morning will loosen up your muscles, enhance flexibility, and energize you for the day ahead.
- Hydration Reminder: Water is life! Keep your hydration in check by setting a reminder to drink a glass of water every hour. It’s a simple yet powerful habit that can contribute to your overall health and vitality.
- One-Minute Mindfulness Breaks: Take a break from the hustle and bustle of your day by practicing mindfulness. Spend just one minute focusing on your breath to center yourself and promote mental clarity.
- Daily Gratitude Journal: Take a few minutes each evening to jot down three things you’re grateful for. This simple act of gratitude can shift your perspective and promote a more positive outlook.
- Tech-Free Time Before Bed: Give your mind and body time to unwind by putting away electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bed. This promotes better sleep quality, and who doesn’t love a good night’s rest?
- Single-Tasking Practice: Ditch the multitasking and focus on one task at a time. Break your day into smaller chunks and fully immerse yourself in each activity to boost concentration and productivity.
- Lunchtime Walk Routine: Take a break from your desk and get moving! A brisk walk around the block during your lunch break can boost energy levels and contribute to overall fitness.
- Five-Minute Desk Declutter: Clear your mind by clearing your workspace. Spent just five minutes tidying up your area before wrapping up your workday to promote mental clarity and focus.
- Expressive Breathing Exercise: Take a few minutes to practice diaphragmatic breathing. This simple breathing exercise can calm your nervous system and reduce stress, leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.
- Evening Reflection Time: Before bed, take a moment to reflect on your day. Consider what went well and what you learned. This micro-habit encourages self-awareness and continuous improvement.
Embracing the Micro-Revolution
Listen up, folks! Here’s the trick to mastering micro-habits: start tiny and stay the course. Pick a few from our list above, stick ’em in your daily routine, and watch them grow. Before you know it, these small steps will lead to a giant leap towards a happier, more productive life.
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Nov 17, 2020 | Entrepreneur, Life Thoughts, Virtual Assistant

Your virtual assistant is more than that amazing avatar behind the company name that gets your SH** done in a timely manner. We are your left hand, right hand, and perhaps a toe or two that manages all those business nuisances and trying tasks so you can focus your most valuable time on what you do best. The prime reason you started your business.
You know we exist because everything you need or want seems to get done. Kind of like some unicorn magic. We are damn good at what we do, or at least I know that I am. I have been in business since 2002 and absolutely love what I do and whom I serve.
Social media has blessed me with wonderful connections, colleagues, partners, clients, and even sub-contractors, some that I have met in person.
While running your business, and mine, is paramount to my success and paying bills, of course, I do have a personal life that I highly value, protect, and embrace. I am more than the Ace behind the keystroke of our partnership of timely deliverables and virtual support.
Since I have introduced my new website, I thought I might grab your virtual ear and share a little bit about me. What drives me. How I thrive in life. My goals.
My foundation, my essence if you will, begins with my personal beliefs about health, well-being, and longevity which grew out of my firsthand experience working in a naturopathic clinic with the founder (also a relative). My philosophy continued to develop due to my social media research role for various client professions: chiropractor, sports/conditioning coach, and health industry authors/podcaster. I read, researched, learned, and educated myself. The more I learned, the more I wanted to know. I followed doctors, health professionals, organizations, and clinics on social media. I purchased books. Talked to people, listened to interviews, and formulated ‘ME’ based on the science, case studies, and personal stories. A life-long learner with an interest and passion for living MY BEST life.
My health is extremely important to me. If I am not healthy and thriving, I cannot provide the executive support I promise to you. I choose to live out my years actively and dis-ease free.
I think in terms of ‘healthspan’ not just lifespan.
“Healthspan,” a coinage now gaining traction, refers to the years that a person can expect to live in generally good health — free of chronic illnesses and cognitive decline that can emerge near life’s end. Although there’s only so much a person can do to delay the onset of disease, there’s plenty that scientists are learning to improve your chances of a better healthspan. via Kaiser Health News (KHN)
I have been whole food plant-based for about six years and love, love anything veggie related. The produce aisle is my candy store. I do prefer shopping at local farmer’s markets if I can. I can’t really think of a fruit or veg that I don’t like or can’t prepare for that matter. I enjoy raw vegan as well as cooked foods. Playing in the kitchen is my therapy and have created many recipes of my own. Food can harm or heal. I love to eat healing, whole foods to nourish and feed my mind, body, and soul.
Exercise is my other passion. Exercise and fitness! I don’t ever want to say, ‘I’ve fallen and can’t get up’ before I’m 100 years old. I want to be able to play, jump, run, climb, squat, get dressed, sit on the floor, tie my sneakers, sit in the sand, or splash in the water until my eyes close forever. As you may have read in Virtual Assistants, Passion, Preference, and Persistence (MY WHY of starting Ace), my mom, sister, and more recently, my niece all passed from breast cancer. I embrace and value every day of my life and will live my best life in their honor because theirs were drastically cut short.
I have a gym in my basement, love to kayak, hike, SUP, and cycle. My longest bike ride is 52 miles so now 30 seems so short. I will get to a century ride. Goals!
I have been tracking my fitness since January 2019. I keep a whiteboard in the basement gym and record the time I lifted, time on the treadmill, steps, calories, miles walked, and whether it was fasted cardio. I also write down every lift with reps and sets. This is just me. I want to be accountable, motivated, and responsible for my own healthcare. [bctt tweet=”I am the architect of my body/life and I need to be proud of my building.” username=”AceConcierge”].
My day starts between 5:15 and 5:45 with my morning routine of hitting the gym for 1 to 2 hours. If I’m not doing intermittent fasting I will make a high protein green smoothie and perhaps some avocado toast after I train. I do change it up. After the gym and breakfast, you’ll find me outside weeding, pruning and planting until it’s time to move on to the office. In the colder months, I’m seated at the helm much sooner.
At the end of my workday, I prefer to enjoy a bike ride, a hike, or kayak. If I could, I’d always be out doing something. I don’t watch any television. I love to read, mostly health books or client books.
The ocean is my air but living in Virginia I’ve adjusted to appreciate the beauty of the mountains. They are majestic in all seasons. I love seeing the bones of the trees. I am in awe at the shapes, sizes, and expanse of these skeletons in the winter. We have many that were here during the Civil War and I wonder what they saw. What stories they would tell.

And no story about me would be complete (as many would tell you), without the mention of my love of wine, a newly acquired taste for bourbon, and now craft beers. Virginia is the mecca for adult beverages. We have beautiful wineries and vineyards, amazing distilleries, and fabulous breweries. There are even biking trails around some of the venues. How can you go wrong? Right?
So, this is your personal behind the scenes look into your virtual assistant.
Tell me, who are you? What do you love? What are the routines that make you, you?
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Nov 2, 2020 | Leadership, Life Thoughts

Change isn’t just something you find deep in your pockets or between the couch cushions. It is the journey to growth and greater things in both your personal and professional life. It is essentially impossible to push forward with yesterday’s thinking. This is just the pond of stagnation with a green gooey film. It’s not efficient or effective to repeat the ritual of yesterday’s thinking, trusting you’ll experience different results today. This is sure to bury you in the end.
‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.’ Henry Ford
Over the past year, my web developer reached out asking if I was ready to update my website, change my theme, and make it mobile responsive. Well, I did not want to. It was that simple for me. No matter how many themes or websites I looked at, none truly stood out and made me squeal with delight. They were all so blah and I couldn’t envision Ace on those pages. Besides, I didn’t like the scrolling and shifting and flowing of today’s present-day themes.
I continued to push the site to the back burner while I pressed on with my clients and managing their business operations. My clients take precedence.
Fast forward to an email from my developer when he was updating my plugins and security;
“The latest version of WordPress doesn’t work well with the theme you have been using for quite a while. The theme author will no longer be updating the theme so you need to decide what you want to do going forward. It appears that the site will be visible but there may be some incompatibilities.”
This was the kick in the pants I needed to move it or lose it. It was time to suck it up and put in the time and effort to work on my site. To evolve. To change.
My developer sent me to the Divi site to pick a theme and I quickly messaged my designer to help me ‘see’ Ace in a different place. I was stuck in my old ways. Old theme. Old style.
The green gooey film was suffocating and I allowed my old thinking to trap me like quicksand. I knew I needed to peel off the layers because I DO embrace growth, change and rebirth!
Silly me. Who wouldn’t want a refresh?? The excitement began to pique. I was eager for something new.
It’s been an exciting ride to watch my designer magically create the new Ace Concierge site from documents I wrote, questionnaires I answered, discussions we had, images I sent and the long-term relationship we have nurtured. She and her team put me on (digital) paper, sharing my passions, my business experience, my authenticity, and genuine desire to help others. If you want to know WHY I created my company, click here: Virtual Assistants, Passion, Preference and Persistence
Old ways, yester-days are just that! Old and expired. Keep the past in that bucket in order to generate new innovative ideas, processes, business, and personal growth, your health, and anything else that needs to be reexamined. Anything else that requires transformation.
We are evolving beings.
Embrace the new.
Life is about revitalization and advancement.
Welcome to the rebirth of the Ace Concierge website.
I hope you enjoy your time here.
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Dec 12, 2019 | Communication, Life Thoughts

The population is constantly tethered to digital technology, romanced by the instant gratification coming from these devices. This has promoted a lack of respect and value for the company you keep.
Fueled by a recent article in Tiny Buddha, “Put Down Your Phone: Why Presence Is the Best Gift You’ll Ever Give”, my brain scanned the images of daily life. You’ll see it everywhere, whether on the street, at home, on a conference call or at a meeting, there’s the distraction of the click, click, click. The head is down, the mind is wandering, and the physically present person or persons have mentally vacated and immersed themselves in a tech device. They’re letting you know that some other matter or person is of much greater worth and significance than anything else around them.
Devices have become the lifeblood of today’s society, putting real-life interactions on the back burner. No longer are people present in the moment, but instead searching for the next best thing, taking a selfie, sending a text, spending money, posting a pic, or otherwise, totally removed from the current situation.
These harmful disconnections are slowly detaching human connections.
I remember reading a story a few years ago about something as simple as standing in line at the grocery store. Standing in line allowed us to think a little bit, and strike up a conversation with the clerk or person behind us. Maybe notice our surroundings. Be touched by some random act of kindness (RAK) or even generate a RAK!
Life before devices meant we weren’t so dopamine-distracted. When did we start needing to numb ourselves? No longer can most people survive without some form of ‘entertainment’ or busy time. It seems that any downtime, away from that virtual distraction, giving folks a moment of ‘reality’, is not within their comfort zones. Is the new norm that it’s freakish not to be scrolling, typing, or responding?
What message does this send? “My device is my priority in life. Not you or the current event.”
Is that what you are trying to convey in meetings, with co-workers, friends, colleagues or loved ones?
In the spirit of connection, here is my challenge: Put down your device and Practice Presence for 30 days using the list below for inspiration.
- If you are at a meeting, BE with your co-workers.
- If you are on a conference call, LISTEN, don’t just hear.
- If you are meeting a friend for lunch, ENJOY their company.
- If you are with your family, INVEST in who they are and those relationships.
- If you are in public, ENGAGE with a clerk, shopkeeper, or ‘stranger’
People feel valued and cared about when you are present. This is the best of what life has to offer.
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | May 15, 2014 | Life Thoughts, Time Management
How often do you tune out and turn off technology?

While you all “live” online, conducting your business and connecting with others, it’s important to be able to disconnect and be in the present moment as this is where real memories are made. Granted, your digital presence is essential to creating the online experience for your customers, colleagues and network, but there are times when you should be truly present in the real world experiencing all that it has to offer. There are no do overs or scrolling back through posts and articles to see what you missed.
I was gifted with an incredible visit from my dad and his girlfriend for 6 whole days. It was their first visit since my move to North Carolina almost 5 years ago. As a virtual assistant with a few secret weapons and a VA of my own, I managed the fundamentals, scheduled client work and planned way in advance, enabling me to step away and thoroughly enjoy time with family. Sure, I worked some in the very early morning and in the evenings, but time is too precious to let it slip away with an incessant need to be connected, troll social channels, read industry articles or waste valuable moments online.
We ate, shared, laughed, loved, hugged, rested, visited tourists spots, beaches, stayed overnight with friend, shed a tear and made new memories.
Treasures of a lifetime. Irreplaceable.
When we were leaving a restaurant on our last night together, we walked by a couple, not talking or engaging, but glued to their phones. I looked at them and said to the young woman as she looked up and caught my gaze, “I hope you are texting each other.”
Oh the horror of my comment!! She looked at me, sneered and grunted some type of response.
Prioritize what you value most. People. Family. Loved ones. Friends. These are what matters most and when given the opportunity to be in their company, what transpires online cannot compare to the rich relationships you can nurture. It isn’t just merely out of respect to put down your phone, but the sheer value of spending personal time, engaged and sharing real communications.
The love of one on one. Eye contact. A personal touch. Body language. Intimate nuances that can’t be reproduced by a keystroke.
Do yourself and those in your immediate presence a favor and tune out.
Turn off the notifications.
Live in the moment.
Share the love of those you are with.
Time passes too quickly and in a flash, can be lost while you are too busy being engrossed with technology.
There is no replacement for human interaction and a good solid hug.
Love the ones you’re with!!