by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Dec 1, 2024 | Goals, Life Thoughts

Traditionally, the end of the year brings about a time for renewal and reflection. What worked, what didn’t, where can you improve, and how will you set the world on fire next year? Isn’t it exciting to think of everything you’d like to accomplish?
New directions and goals.
Start fresh and put the past in the past.
Your resolutions fly off the tongue. You are inspired and driven for change. It’ll be the best year ever. Right? Does this sound familiar?
Studies have shown that less than 25% of people are successful at staying committed to their resolutions after 30 days.
Why are resolutions shelved for the END of the year?
You are a work in progress. Constantly evolving, growing, changing, like a chameleon.
Instead of New Year’s Resolutions, consider goals: daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Alongside the goals, you can establish habits that are long-lasting and life-changing.
90% of resolutions often fail after two short months. One possible reason is willpower. You know you have it. You’ve tested it, but how long does your iron fist (if necessary) keep on target with your goals? Willpower can be a tricky mind game.
Willpower, like a bicep, can only exert itself so long before it gives out; it’s an extremely limited mental resource. Jonah Lehrer
Why do resolutions fail?
- Overzealous ideas
- Taking on too much
- Lack of real desire for change
- Minimal effort
- Adopting someone else’s resolutions
- It’s something you think you should do, rather than want to do
- Quitting too early
Sure, you had admirable intentions and passion for change but when it is a once-a-year review, it is more challenging to persevere.
An overnight quick fix is not the solution. This mindset is transactional, not transformational. Transformation involves ongoing introspection, discovery, pivots, and corrections.
Create habits and rituals that are indestructible commitments to yourself, your business, or your life.
A prime example is exercise and a gym membership. Enthusiasts show up every January ready to pump iron and sweat it out until they hit their lofty goals. By the end of the first month, most of those once motivated gym-goers are long gone. By February, you’ll typically find only those who have made fitness a lifestyle.
You might be sick and tired of some things in your life or your business, but when you make “resolutions” out of desperation and frustration, they are more challenging to maintain. You may deeply want them. You may feel passionate about change and be ready to execute but think seriously about what you want and why.
Change is ongoing, not a fleeting thought to revisit once a year.
How can you guarantee greater success?
- Start small
- Tie your goal to a habit
- Write down your goals WITH action steps
- Think: S.M.A.R.T. Goals: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely
- Be realistic, not too grandiose
- Make a vision board
- Inspire and motivate yourself
- Celebrate your successes – no matter how large or small
- Be accountable
- Involve others
- Understand you will have ups and downs (that’s okay)
- Realize change takes energy
- Failure is acceptable because you will try again
- Have a plan for your perceived roadblocks
- If you want different results, change the experiment
- Changing or modifying a behavior takes time
- YOU do have time
- Dump the inner critic!!
- When in doubt, ask yourself: “How does this serve my goals?”
- Work on yourself ALL year, not just at the end
Are you ready to create new yearlong habits or New Year’s Resolutions?
Remember this: YOU are the architect of your life. Build your vision.
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Nov 12, 2020 | Entrepreneur, Goals, Productivity, Time Management

Our magnificent brains have a restricted capacity for devoting attention. When you multitask, you are not training yourself to manage more activities, but in fact, you are simply instructing your brain to take on more, with limited individual attention. It isn’t an act of increased productivity. It is distributing your focus over multiple activities simultaneously. You are more apt to forget, lose, or miss important details. You may think you can function on full throttle with a hoard of tasks, but it comes at a great loss. Consider it mental overload.
It is more important to be present and engaged with whatever you are doing versus being in the overtasked coma state. Your brain switches back and forth, stopping and starting whenever you choose to multi-task. Diverting your focus increases inefficiency, no matter how badly you convince yourself that you are the master. You’re not and it’s detrimental to your results.
While you can manage automatic, higher-level task switching like walking and talking at the same time, crafting an email, sending a text while Zooming a co-worker produces less than satisfactory results. Writing and speech-related tasks compete for attention in the prefrontal cortex. Some researchers suggest that multitasking can actually reduce productivity by as much as 40% and the number of errors can increase by 50%.
In an NPR interview, Stanford University professor Clifford Nass said ‘heavy multitaskers” have trouble tuning out distractions and switching tasks compared with those who multitask less The study revealed that even when chronic multitaskers were focusing on a single task, their brains were less effective and efficient.’
If you try to multitask in the classic sense of doing two things at once, what you end up doing is quasi-tasking. It’s like being with children. You have to give it your full attention for however much time you have, and then you have to give something else your full attention. Joss Whedon
Instead of consistently jumping around from project to project, create focused time blocks, turn off notifications, and tune out distractions.
Steps to STOP Multi-Tasking
- Set priorities
- Figure out exactly when you are most productive
- Reduce or eliminate distractions
- Turn off notifications
- Sign out of social media
- Time block your day
- Be present
- Finish what you start
- Don’t be afraid to say no
- Take breaks
- Be mindful of your habits and adjust accordingly
Take a step back and think of all of the times where you have been engaged in 2-5 activities at once.
Seems a little outlandish, right?
What were you able to:
1. Absorb
2. Contribute
3. Conquer
4. Complete
What will you do to minimize multi-tasking and commit your focus to a single project?
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Mar 28, 2017 | Entrepreneur, Goals, Productivity

If you’re like me, you probably start your day with a morning routine. Routines help build positive habits, support priorities, create structure, amplify your time, and increase your productivity. Plus, you have the opportunity to set the mojo for the day.
Probably the most important period of your day is when you first wake up. Your morning routine can set you up for massive success the whole day. Matthew Toren
These are essential productivity components whether you operate your own business, support others with theirs, have a career, a family, or even a guinea pig. A morning routine will help you kick ass all day long. Stuff needs to get done. Put away. Managed. Started. Finished. There’s plenty of verbs for all of this but you get the idea!! That being said, do all of your typical morning routines strengthen daily positive productive habits? Sometimes, not so much. You may hit snooze (several hundred times), get sucked into social media, the abyss of checking your inbox, the dreaded remote control, or perhaps even a tempting starchy bagel. Truthfully, I’m not sure which is worse but either way, most are not only a distracting waste of time but studies say these types of morning activities are not the most prolific, thought-provoking methods to ACTIVATE your day. First off, set your intentions. Goals. Priorities. If you don’t have any direction, how will you direct your day? A plan is key to reducing chaos, eliminating overwhelm, being on time, and getting more done. It’s that simple. It doesn’t matter whether you go old school with a pen and paper or more digital with a Google Doc, an app, or some other online tool/platform that you will COMMIT to. This is nothing new. You’ve read it before but maybe now you’d like to SPRING into action. It is March. So March on to the new you.
Break it down and simplify your priorities:
Personal & Business
- Think about what you value most
- What will your morning routine look like to you?
- How do you best start your day?
- What invigorates you – inspires you to be your best/do your best?
- What NEW habits should you bring into your life?
- What old habits should you kiss goodbye?
- What/who should you make more time for?
Healthy routines impart a healthy mind, body, and spirit. A whole healthy you generates a more vibrant and industrious day. [GREAT GOAL] Think of your morning routine as the tool to achieve optimal workday performance. Fuel and nourish your race car if, and only if, you want to win.
Morning Routine Key Principles
- Prepare: design your motivational morning routine
- Time block: actually block off time for specific tasks and HOLD to it. Example: 5-6:30 am gym
- Boycott technology: tune out and turn off distractions and notifications. Facebook, Twitter, and other social posts will still be there after your “self-deposits”
- TIP: Leave your Smartphone on the other side of the room. Don’t grab for it unless you’re turning off the alarm to jump out of bed. [DIGITAL DETOX]
- Be present – in THIS moment Multi-tasking is not allowed
- Self-nourishment: If you sacrifice your health and wellness, there is no business. YOU are a priority. Do it for yourself, friends, family, loved ones, and your company
- Food: science-based evidence clearly demonstrates that foods are medicine. Give your body what it needs to support and power your day
- Meditation: focus, quiet the mind, practice being present and mind FULL
- Exercise: being fit isn’t a fad. It keeps you healthier, reduces or eliminates pain, enhances your life, keeps you younger, strengthens your heart and lungs, battles disease and helps to sustain mobility….. just to name a few benefits
- Goals: write them down!! Keep your goals/plan visible. Be accountable and share it with your friends and family. Your dog might have an interest too
- Action: take daily actions to get you closer to your goals
- Ask yourself: does “this” support my vision?
- Will it help me be better or do better?
- Is it growth-oriented?
Sound off: How does your morning routine IGNITE your day?
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Jan 2, 2014 | Entrepreneur, Goals, Small Business
Change up the experiment if you want different results. Old news but so true. You can’t expect something to change if you are doing the same old tired routines day in and day out. No matter what it is, personal or professional, it is up to you to be accountable and design the success you want.
It is when you push the boundaries of your comfort zone that challenge and change become inevitable. This is your place for growth. Don’t buck change. Embrace it. When you become shaky, nervous, maybe even a little queasy, you will know that you just took that needed leap toward greater things. Congratulate yourself. Rewards are on their way to you.
Be Encouraged! There is growth and life outside of your comfort zone! Chery Gegelman
No one else will deliver your dessert. Use the finest ingredients if you want a tasty rich slice of cake.
Anyone can simply rip open a box and add water. Toss the boxed mix, tin foil pan and plastic spoon.
Use the highest grade, unrefined flour. Raw sugar. Real cocoa. You get the idea. Nothing processed or prepackaged.
Dump the status quo and acceptance of being average to craft the pinnacle torte with chocolate ganache for full-bodied ecstasy on your tongue that makes your taste buds burst with excitement.
Can you taste it? What does it look like to you? What will it take to build this mouthwatering dessert?
No matter what your goals may be, it takes planning, commitment and time.
- Envision your dessert and build it.
- Set attainable goals.
- Implement the tools you WILL use: whatever works best for you.
- Create your plan with action steps and a timeline.
- Be accountable.
- Taste the ingredients. Modify if necessary.
- Know that a redirect is sometimes required.
- Challenge old assumptions.
- Oven temperatures vary.
- Don’t burn the chocolate.
- Find a sous chef or two. Delegating helps you scale.
- If your cake falls in, make another one. Failure is a success point.
Is it difficult or frustrating to instigate change? Hell yes. You have all been there. That is what life is about. You must take risks and get uncomfortable if you want to taste the reward of success. These outer limits that you test, show you who you are, what you are made of, your real strength and resolve and that you CAN do accomplish anything you dream about. The biggest risk, is not risking anything at all.
Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did. H. Jackson Browne, Jr.
It can be a scary place but strap on the mindset and turn on that mixer.
Be BOLD with your goals.
This is 2014 and time for change.
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | Oct 23, 2013 | Goals, Life Thoughts
Success and innovation require a proactive approach with goals and action steps to clear your path toward accomplishment. On the road of life, you are bound to encounter obstacles and roadblocks, but these aren’t meant to stop you. They are presented as challenges to overcome.
Jumping the hurdles isn’t always easy and may seem like huge setbacks, but use each as an opportunity, as a learning tool for growth and changes for the next round. Don’t sit back and stagnate or simply wish things were different.
- MAKE an effort to evolve
- Brainstorm changes
- Visualize your goals
- Design a vision board
Mastering or overcoming these challenges is what creates a great sense of accomplishment and joy in your life. Sure, it may be easier just to give up or retreat at times, but what will you have to show for it? What opportunities or people will you have discounted?
You will have to begin once again. This time with a new plan. There is no need to continually start over. Refine your path. Your tools. Your knowledge, but don’t quit. Every time you walk away from a situation or a goal, you will be left with unfinished business and who knows how close you were to succeeding. Get to the finish line no matter how difficult you think it is.
Challenges can make life much more interesting and meaningful. Remember the road less traveled?
If you recoil at any small change or difficulty that does not fit into your scheme of things, take a step back and ask yourself why? What are you afraid of? What don’t you want to face? How will it affect you five years from now? Does it really matter?
If you are dealing with another individual or a group, seek to listen, understand and communicate WITH, not AT them. Don’t make assumptions based upon your perception of the situation as that can only exacerbate the issues.
Assess the concerns and disputes after everyone has had a fair and open opportunity to speak.
Keep an open mind.
Accept responsibility for your part in creating any problems or discrepancies.
Seek to make changes as well as plans to offset any future worries.
Life doesn’t have to be so difficult. It is what you make it. It is what you want it to be. It will be as you perceive it, but ensure accuracy.
Face your hurdles head on! Don’t retract – you are meant to achieve and master your life – your business.
“Don’t take the casual approach to life. Casualness leads to casualties.” — Jim Rohn
What a powerful quotation. Whether in your business or personal life, a blasé sense of indifference gets you nowhere. If you want something, you must go after it.
Benchwarmers do not get to score.
Now let’s get ready to cheer on the Red Sox in Game 1 of the World Series!! #fearthebeard
by Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant | May 16, 2013 | Goals, Guest Blogger
I am now the proud parent of a college graduate and in listening to the variety of speakers, many of the words deeply resonated with me as they represented all of the life lessons we try to instill in our children as they grow up, mature and enter the world. In several heart to hearts with my daughter after graduation and a few replies of “I know mom,” it wasn’t just advice for her, but also for everyone in life and in business.
We can’t wait for opportunity to knock as sitting on the sidelines does not create success. You need to go out and make life happen for yourself. Create the opportunities within your network, peers, colleagues and even the coffee shop. Without the dialog, daily efforts, diligence and hard work, life will keep whirring by you as you just continue to sit and wait for your golden opportunity to fall in your lap. It doesn’t happen. You must plant the seeds from your aspirations, your plan for success.
The doors are there but sitting on the bench watching, hoping and waiting only ensures time passes. If you truly want something extraordinary, then set the wheels in motion. Spin it like a web.
“To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.” Bruce Lee
- Target your opportunity for success.
- Never give up.
- Have faith in yourself and your abilities.
- Make it happen and fulfill your dreams.
- Network.
- Create a plan and work it.
- Make a vision board
- Manifest your dreams
- Work it!!
- Work it!!