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The Sidelines Suck

The Sidelines Suck

Feeling like you live in a shadow but dream of success requires that you don’t merely step out of your comfort zone, but you LEAP, JUMP, SCREAM or otherwise take some real concrete actions to ensure your aspirations become realities. Sitting on the...

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Reducing the Bottomline

Reducing the Bottomline

For those of you who don't know me, I own a tiny Canadian food manufacturing company. We make all natural and organic as well as fair trade certified food products for general consumption, specializing in Fresh Pepper Sauces. So, when Suzie asked...

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Don’t Die by the Deadline

Don’t Die by the Deadline

Timely commitments speak volumes about your intentions. If you are consistently missing time limits or deadlines, delaying outcomes or otherwise just holding off on completing promised projects, what message are you giving to the recipient? “When...

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