Decrease desktop clutter.
- File or discard papers and folders.
- Purge outdated materials, manuals, scraps of paper in your drawers.
- update customer management database with ALL client/prospect data and discard associated paper.
- Assign a place for everything and keep everything in its place.
- file as you go, don’t wait until “sometime” to put things in their place.
- Organize your workspace for maximum productivity.
- Reserve your inbox for action items.
- Create email folders to organize your inbox and sent emails.
- Break down large projects into smaller tasks, and prioritize them. Block off time each day until the project is completed.
- All projects and tasks should have clear goals, objectives, and deadlines.
- Plan your To Do list for the following day before you leave work.
- Break your To Do list into categories
- Must do with deadlines
- Open-ended tasks (i.e. reorganizing files)
- Enter calls and appointments into your calendar.
- Take a break to refresh and refocus, without interruptions.
- Set aside 1 hour per day for NO technology: you do not answer phones or respond to emails or engage in office communication. You take this time to regroup and work on pressing issues, modifying your To Do list, and working on projects.