Project Detox*

Samuel’s Troubles

Corporate life and being a CEO was draining every ounce of Samuel’s energy. He’d recently read that the most successful CEOs balance their mind, body, and spirit.

Samuel's Time

Samuel remembered being skeptical about whether the mind-body-spirit connection under pressure was even possible! How, when his staff needed him, vendors sent constant emails, and he needed to attend to customer complaints was it even remotely possible to have time for rest and exercise? He knew other entrepreneurs who were also putting in 60-100 hours a week, so he had convinced himself that digging in was the only way.

He was suffocating under the pressure of a constant pull on his time and he needed liberation! Some days he felt if he stepped away, everything would implode. Tracking initiative progress, managing all of the touchpoints, and keeping staff engaged was burning him out and he feared the impending results. Pressure from the board to do more, sell more, and be more, was in a collision with his management duties and fiduciary oversight was waning.

Enter Ace Concierge

Samuel performed a search for ‘temporary staff’ and learned a bit about Virtual Assistants. He then reached out to trusted mentors and was referred to Ace Concierge.

After the first call, he learned that a VA does a LOT more than manage email and edit documents, he was astounded to learn that a VA could track projects and delivery, enforce accountability and deadlines, manage market research and the social editorial calendar, and coordinate guest spots for the company podcast.

Samuel has created a new efficiency model for the business, that does not require his direct attention in every aspect of operations, only his oversight. The profile of the business is swiftly increasing because of new connections due to his ability to delegate and attend industry and networking events. 

More confident in his role with the board, he has also returned to a better personal routine of eating right and exercising, which has increased his creative problem-solving. He can now tackle the more difficult challenges in his job with a fresh approach and a renewed sense of confidence.

*Name has been changed for client confidentiality

“No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit.”
– Andrew Carnagie

Start Delegating
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