Project Detox*

Parker’s Dilemma

Parker knew social media was important to his business, that building a brand, cutting through the noise, and reaching customers would drive traffic to his business.

Parker was overwhelmed


Parker was growing tired of social media because he felt like he was making an either/or choice between managing social media pages for relevant and active content or working on his business, and he needed a proper digital marketing plan.

Parker was overwhelmed and unsure he’d have time for customers or business improvements if he was devoting so much time to social media pages. His business was new and not getting the attention it deserved.

While on Twitter, Parker met Ace Concierge, he was curious about her posts about virtual assistants and asked to set up a call. He immediately knew he’d reached someone who understood. He learned there are more efficient ways to use social media and that he could delegate it to someone else.

Enter Ace Concierge

Ten hours a week are put back into Parker’s hands because Ace Concierge manages social media posting, researches quotes, and sources articles of interest to share with his customers.

The Ace Concierge team now creates social media graphics and put a digital marketing plan in play for several of his yearly promotions. Delegating social media responsibilities affords Parker time to find critical resources for product development, attend to his fiscal plan for sourcing investment, and build stronger relationships for future partnering.

His only social interactions are now actually social! Parker has the time to respond to real people making comments and queries on his social pages and Ace Concierge does the rest.

*Name has been changed for client confidentiality

“Do what you do best and outsource the rest.”
– Robert G. Allen

Start Delegating
Reach Out Now!

If you want to know more, have questions, or are feeling overwhelmed, reach out, we are happy to chat about ways we can help.