Project Detox*

Clara’s Troubles

If Clara could have just stopped time to get things done! Clients were suffering, her capacity diminished and her days were spent in administration of her business, not leading her business.

Clara was troubled

The To-Do list was mammoth, Clara was buried in coordinating schedules and appointment planning, updating the client database following a meeting, managing documents, images, and other intellectual property.

It was frustrating when she knew her time should be spent elsewhere. Among all of the necessary administrative tasks, she was spending more time IN her project management software instead of leading the projects.

Rather than living her purpose, enhancing client experiences, and setting weekly touchpoints for helping her clients thrive, Clara felt troubled by the potential that was falling through the cracks.

Clara needed to take the lead.

Enter Ace Concierge

Having ignored a past referral to Ace Concierge, thinking she could do it all herself, Clara dug through her email to find the ACE contact information. At our first meeting, we helped her create an inventory of the tasks she could hand off and build a plan for actions she could take in the hours rescued through delegation. 

She was surprised to learn that Ace Concierge could accomplish in 5 hours a week, tasks that absorbed 10 hours of her own time. Calculating the return on her investment is multifaceted. Clara’s time is now available for giving attention to her clients, improving the client sales funnel, honing her services, and most importantly, making a difference. Clara was fulfilling the purpose of why she started her business to begin with. 

*Name has been changed for client confidentiality

“Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do.”
– Jessica Jackley

Start Delegating
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If you want to know more, have questions, or are feeling overwhelmed, reach out, we are happy to chat about ways we can help.