Nope, you won’t find them in this post but you can read more in: Don’t Die by the Deadline. The title promised you help on how to lasso your hankering for procrastination.
There are no real tips in this post, except: GET IT DONE.
You have a choice in every aspect of your life and with every choice there is a consequence. Whether the outcome is positive or negative, it is something you essentially choose. If you choose to put off what needs to be done, then you will pay the price. Can you afford it? When you invest in your time, you invest in yourself and your company. You are highly valued. Make sure you realize this.
You may procrastinate for a host of reasons, but ultimately it comes down to you doing or not doing something and when. If it is all that important and has a deadline, I would imagine you would attend to it with a little more immediacy than letting it hang on until the last moment. Usually, the final product of the rushed job leaves a great deal to be desired. It isn’t worth it to do something with only a fraction of your attention and interest.
Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination: never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Lord Chesterfield
Consider the outcomes and “penalties” when you need to tackle a project or task. Your driving motivators should come from within because it is important to you not because you are making someone else check in on you to ensure you completed your alleged mission impossible.
Most people don’t have a problem finding time for the things they want to do, but once a task is presumed challenging, time consuming, or boring, procrastination takes over.
You have priorities. You have goals. Accomplish them. Light that internal fire and be accountable to yourself. Own your lists and To Dos. Yes, there are some things that present more of a struggle or personal challenge for you, but that is not an invitation to walk away or leave it on the back burner.
Things people say:
- I can’t get started.
- I don’t know where to begin.
- It is too hard.
- I need more help.
- I don’t want to do it.
- I don’t want to do it alone.
- It is frustrating.
- It isn’t fun.
- I just don’t feel like it.
- I have more time.
- What are your tips?
- It isn’t due yet.
The whining list is infinite. You have said some of these and honestly, I have too. The drama of I can’t, won’t, I don’t feel like it gets as old as the “stuff” I found in a lunch baggie inside my beach bag from this summer. It isn’t pleasant and accomplishes nothing but increased frustration and dissatisfaction.
If you have something to do, deadlines or not “Just Do it.” You don’t need help or special tips. You need to set your goals and priorities.
Important things get done.
- You can do them now.
- Prioritize your list.
- Create actions steps.
- Delegate.
- File.
- Discard.
Just take action! Real action!