Project Detox*

Jason’s Time Crunch

When Ace Concierge met Jason, he was inundated with updating social media, responding to emails, troubleshooting client issues, and talking with vendors.

Jason was frustrated


Some days he’d look at his computer and wonder how he’d ever grow his business if all his time was spent on social media and email. It was distracting and frustrating.

Jason felt like he was on a never-ending hamster-wheel committed to firefighting — the weary amusement park ride needed to stop. It was time to move the needle to the next stage of operational growth.

While taking care of his social media presence on Linkedin, he saw an article about virtual assistants and began asking around. His comfort-level indicated he wanted someone he could get to know and who would act more like a partner, than a service. 

Enter Ace Concierge

After completing an assessment of his activities, Jason agreed on the items that Ace Concierge would be taking over. We committed to tasks and projects allowing him to reclaim hours needed to increase his bottom line.

Jason now outsources 6-8 hours a week, these are hours he now commits to growth activities, proposals, client development, new business relationships, and designing better service models.

This new-found operational freedom has made Jason highly aware that no owner can ‘be it all’ and ‘do everything’ if they intend on growing their business.

*Name has been changed for client confidentiality

“Time = life; therefore, waste your time and waste your life, or master your time and master your life”
– Alan Lakein

Start Delegating
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If you want to know more, have questions, or are feeling overwhelmed, reach out, we are happy to chat about ways we can help.