Core Leadership: Why Delegation Is Essential to Growth

Core Leadership: Why Delegation Is Essential to Growth

Ace Concierge DelegateJane Wurwand, Founder, Owner of Dermalogica and The International Dermal Institute clearly understands the inherent value in the ability to scale your business via delegation. This mindset is a key driver for success. Delegating enables you to grow your organization, so you can focus on your core company objectives, removing you from the daily back end details which eat up your valuable time and actual productivity.

I am speaking as the Founder of my own company and I know just how challenging it can be to let go and delegate. Only by letting go of certain details and delegating them to fellow team members to handle that the company had the opportunity to truly grow. If I had clung on to the day-to-day details, or if I was a micro-manager, would my company be the success that it is today?

As a business grows, the founding visionaries need to let go of the details. This seems like a contradiction, and I really get it. I am speaking as the Founder of my own company and I know just how challenging it can be to let go and delegate. Only by letting go of certain details and delegating them to fellow team members to handle that the company had the opportunity to truly grow. If I had clung on to the day-to-day details, or if I was a micro-manager, would my company be the success that it is today? The simple truth is no.

Most business owners are more prone to think, “I can do it all myself,” but this self-limiting thought process does not allow you the time or full productivity to dedicate to the core of your business. You may be buried and merely just busy doing more menial activities that are NOT the best value of your time.

If you are entrenched with 10, 20+ hours a week on social media management, curating content, writing, editing, proofing and scheduling blog posts, calendar management, writing newsletters, WHO is operating your business?

Click to read the full post on Huff Post for Women

How To Create Engaging Content That People Love To Share

How To Create Engaging Content That People Love To Share

how to get your content sharedWriting great and ‘share worthy’ content takes time.

It takes effort and isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do.

The problem is that simply writing something that is ‘great’ doesn’t mean that it’s going to get any views.

There’s a lot more to it than that.

In this post I’m going to share a number of things that I do differently when I write content. Using these tips I have been able to generate thousands of social shares on a relatively new blog.

Identify a problem and solve it

In recent years the bar has been raised thanks to the level of quality content that other writers are producing.

The easiest way to compel your audience to share your content is by identifying what problem they are experiencing and then solve it.

When people have been searching high and low to find the answer to a problem and they finally find it, they can be very appreciative.

Get the timing right

Sometimes timing can be a big factor.

A great example is when Google first announced that Google Reader was closing. The keyword ‘Google reader alternative’ became incredibly popular overnight.

Within a short amount of time there was an incredible number of blogs writing about the topic which meant that the competition went up dramatically.

Although the first few blogs to cover this would have seen significant increases in traffic, mostly from organic search.

Also, one thing that I noticed was that even the blogs that were late to cover the topic generated an above average level of social shares.

This type of thing is often referred to as news jacking because that’s essentially what you’re doing.

If you publish a blog post just before journalists are scrambling for information then you have a great opportunity.

David Meerman Scott also published a great book on the topic, learn more about it here.

Keep it easy to read

Readability is an important factor and it’s important to keep your articles at a level where everyone can understand them.

Breaking your sentences up into smaller chunks, writing clear sub headings and utilising formatting are all a good way to do that.

A very helpful tool that I found recently was the Hemingway App that grades your articles readability and offers ways to improve it.

Add value and come up with a unique angle

Before you start writing anything you need to think about how you can add value to your content.

Check out what other people have wrote about the topic in Google and find out what’s missing:

  • Do you have a unique perspective on the subject?
  • Can you add more detail and make a more comprehensive resource?
  • Is there a content type that isn’t used?

There are plenty of things to think about but what you need to identify in most cases is the content gap.

By finding what’s missing you can make sure that your content fills the gap and becomes what people have been wanting.

Mention influencers and tell them about it

There is a form of marketing that is trending right now.

It’s known as influencer marketing.

The idea is marketing directly to those that influence your target audience rather than directly marketing to your target audience.

I’ve found it to be very effective but another thing it can really help with is content distribution.

By mentioning influencers in your content and letting them know (using Twitter, Google+ or email works fine) you can skyrocket the amount of social shares for your content.

People love it when other people say awesome stuff about them.

Finding influencers

There are a lot of tools on the market that can help you, but as a starting point I’d recommend giving BuzzSumo a try. It’s free to get started while the tool is in beta and it’s very straight forward to use.

Contacting influencers works best from a personal account even if you’re working on behalf of a brand – the personal touch works best. Something Jennifer Hanford covered here.

How to incorporate influencers into your content

Simply linking out to influencers can work great and for a lot of people it does.

There is a way to get more influencers to share your content.

That is to involve them directly in the creation of the content – you may have seen this referred to as group interviews or crowd sourced content.

The end result is the same – a group of influencers contributing content and because of that they are more willing to share the content.

Here are a few examples that have generated an impressive number of social shares:

The reality of influencer marketing

Instead of my websites or my clients starting out and having no audience whatsoever we have used this to put tap into the established audience of market influencers to put their content, their brand and their message directly in front of their target audience.

It’s not an overnight strategy, it does take time and there are more steps involved, but that’s the same in any form of real marketing.

Clicking publish doesn’t mean the job is done

The biggest mistake that I see bloggers and marketers make is spending an incredible amount of time creating a really great piece of content but don’t put the time into promoting it.

The truth is that clicking publish maybe all you’ll need to do if you are Tech Crunch or Mashable but most of us have got a fair distance to go until we reach that point.

I’d recommend checking this post out because it goes into a lot more detail (and it’s a very large topic) but ultimately after every post is published you need to spend as much time promoting it as you have done creating it.

Think about your target audience and where they hang out online. Then put your content directly in front of them.

Don’t do it in a spammy way or just drop the link in online communities but actually engage with your audience and start building a discussion.

Engage with your audience, be present and help them.

Soon enough you will develop your own influence.


There are plenty of ways to help get your content shared, this isn’t an exhaustive list by any means.

Now I’ll put the question to you – what do you do to help make sure people share your content?

We would love to hear more in the comments below.

Guest Author Blog Post:
Adam Connell Blogging WizardAdam Connell is the Marketing Manager for a UK based marketing agency; UK Linkology. In his spare time Adam trains people to get better results out of content and social media.

Connect with Adam:



Photo Credit: giulia.forsythe via Compfight cc

Why are Some Entrepreneurs So Productive?

Why are Some Entrepreneurs So Productive?

Entrepreneurs ProductivityEmpower yourself for higher performance. Hopefully you are not spinning out of control, missing deadlines and leaving a pile of projects on a wait list.

If you want to be more productive, then you have to make some changes. It takes planning, effort and some realization of where and how you spend your time. Chances are that at the days end, you take time to review what you accomplished and what still remains on your To Do list.  If your list is still a bit longer than it should be and you are scratching your head, wondering how does everyone else get so much done,  realize that you are not alone.

You can improve. You can increase your productivity.

“When we’re busy, we see that as being productive, when productive is really narrowing down what we need to do.” Cathy Sexton, time management specialist.

Your productivity is partially based on your time management which requires discipline and commitment. There are many hindrances to time management but how you regulate your life, the “time” choices you make and your priorities establish your productivity output. If something is that important to you, then you will get it done; otherwise, you will make excuses. Your success depends on getting the most out of each day.

“What is it that successful entrepreneurs do differently from the rest? How do they accomplish more in the same twenty four hours that are gifted to all?” Brett Relander

Brett Relander’s post: How to Increase Your Productivity as an Entrepreneur clearly outlines 7 simple tips to help you become a more effective and efficient entrepreneur. They are every day cheats you can implement to enhance your productivity and stop wondering how other entrepreneurs are getting it all done. You can do it too!

1. Know your priorities, set long-term goals and break down your activities to achieve your prioritized objectives. With clear targets in mind, you are well-positioned to focus on present jobs and plan for future work. With defined objectives, day-to-day work can be organized in a streamlined manner.

20 Time Saving Tips for Your Social Media Workflow

20 Time Saving Tips for Your Social Media Workflow

Ace Concierge Social Media PlanKeeping a tidy and productive digital landscape necessitates a visible online presence with consistency and frequency or your voice will get lost within the noise and fundamental chatter. To build and maintain your networks it requires a great deal of time, energy and focus. There are literally hundreds of social channels to choose from, which can be overwhelming. You need to evaluate and understand your audience, where they hang out, what they want and what they consume. There is no one size fits all solution but if you aren’t putting in the time, implementing a plan and using the resources, then you may be spinning the hamster wheel and simply wasting valuable hours.

Sourcing your infinite online follower audience is a low-cost way to propel your small-business brand into the global digital world. Establish your brand with social media to cultivate relationships as well as strengthen existing ones. Your social media efforts are the architectural structure can lead to brand recognition, credibility, a positive customer experience, brand advocates, increased web traffic, search rankings and word-of-mouth marketing.

laser sharp focusA social presence exceeds just a few posts on various channels; it is a two-way conversation. Interaction. Collaboration. Education. Communication. Community. Be strategic and formulate a viable plan that you will follow. We all have the same amount of time in our day but it is up to you on how you will invest and leverage your hours, skills and expertise.

You are the soul master of your time and productivity. If you do not have systems and processes in place, your efficiency and effectiveness will suffer. Design and create the habits geared toward your goals of success and business growth. There will be distractions and obstacles tossed in your path, but if you have a contingency plan, in addition to your ace preparation and planning tactics, you will not be so easily waylaid. Writing out your daily plan of attack and time allotment is more than just an exercise in futility. It is your company’s operation manual to streamline your social media operations, ensuring greater targeted success and focus. While it may feel like drudgery or busy work, it is time INVESTED not wasted. Consider it a vital part of your business plan. The strategies and tactics contained in this document also enable you to turn over the responsibilities of your SMM and take a vacation or a few days off without being tied to your computer or Smartphone. There’s a novel idea!

“So during those first moments of the day, which are yours and yours alone, you can circumvent these boundaries and concentrate fully on spiritual matters. And this gives you the opportunity to plan the time management of the entire day.” Menachem Mendel Schneerson

Ace Concierge Social Media Workflow

  1. Create your systems and strategies for your business and your online presence.
  2. Refine and revisit both to ensure you are on target and meeting your goals.
  3. Choose a few networks and ACTIVELY engage in conversations
  4. Don’t spread yourself too thin or you will not grow your communities.
  5. Have a daily list of activities for each social network
  6. Know and work productively at your best time of day.
  7. Understand that social media is an investment that will reward you but you must do the time.
  8. Find and USE tools that will enhance your productivity and efficiency.
  9. Set aside time each day for building relationships and monitoring your social networks.
  10. Evaluate small business success tips.
  11. Automate some of your content but NOT your conversations with tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, Everpost, or Do Share
  12. Use an editorial calendar to help keep you targeted on content, networks, themes, posting times and metrics.
  13. Learn to unplug and focus.
  14. Don’t try and multi-task your way through your day.
  15. Write remarkable, valuable content.
  16. Curate and share using content discovery tools
  17. Use a WordPress Content Curation Theme & Plugin like Curation Traffic™  to save time and add your personal commentary
  18. Know where and how to syndicate your blog posts in addition to your social networks; i.e. Triberr, bizsugar,, Technorati, Alltop and
  19. Add your profile to Twitter directories
  20. Know your core genius and outsource the low payoff activities.

The key take away is a PLAN to implement and stick to in order to save some time and be more efficient with your social media marketing.

If you find all of this to be a little overwhelming, your day is already full, or you would rather focus ON your business rather than IN it, we are here to assist you with your social media management. Drop us an email, find us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+.

Talk to you soon and thanks so much for reading our post. If it resonates with you or you know someone who could use a few tips, please feel free to share.


BE Professional: Digital Communication Courtesy

BE Professional: Digital Communication Courtesy

Ace Concierge BE ProfessionalYou believe yourself to be a professional but are you professional? There is a difference.

You may be deemed a professional because you operate a business but being professional is an action. It is a choice. In business and life, there are plain and simple human courtesies that should be extended to everyone. It shouldn’t matter who initiated the contact but when you choose to no longer engage or ignore any form of correspondence, you are no longer “being” professional.

What has happened to the Golden Rule in this age of technology? Does it allow or justify actions that would not be normally accepted in an in-person venue? If you were at a networking event, engaging in a conversation would you suddenly decide to turn your back and walk away without notice or a word? I think not. That would be extremely rude and thoughtless.

Ace Concierge CommunicateCan you imagine calling someone of interest, exchanging a few words and then they hang up without forewarning? What would you think? How would you feel?

For some it may present a challenge to be completely forthright and honest with feedback and responses but if you expect the same from your network, then give back what you want in return. Everyone deserves an answer. Communicating is the foundation of every single relationship, whether business or personal, online or off.

What message are you sending to your audience, your potential buyers if you aren’t responding to social comments or posts? Your brand and reputation may suffer. As you know, word spreads fast and if you aren’t satisfying the human need for a reply to a query, you may be opening yourself up to negative reactions. Make the time to respond.

“If you’re not engaging customers during the entire product life cycle through social media, you’re missing out. Because someone else will.” –Dennis Stoutenburgh

If you ignore emails because you don’t know how to respond or are apprehensive about expressing your opinion about a product or service, don’t expect to retain a follower or gain a brand ambassador. People can deal with rejection and feedback; extend thoughtfulness with a reply.

“We’ve seen an increase in the nonresponse rather than just politely declining. You delete it and hope it goes away, just like if someone comes to your door and you pretend you’re not home.” Adam Boettiger, digital marketing consultant.

You are online, participating in your social networks, building your brand, credibility, community and network. Is it truly worthwhile or beneficial to disregard the voice of others? Deliberate silence is a poor communication strategy demonstrating a lack of respect and interest and also has the capabilities of reinforcing potential miscommunications.

Your active choice NOT respond is a very loud statement. With all of the techie gadgets sitting on your desk or in your lap, click a few keys. There is always time and a tool.

“Mobile communications and pervasive computing technologies, together with social contracts that were never possible before, are already beginning to change the way people meet, mate, work, war, buy, sell, govern and create.” Howard Rheingold

Simply put: BE Professional

  • Be kind.
  • Be courteous.
  • Be responsive.