
Ace Concierge Entrepreneur SuccessBeing an entrepreneur is no easy endeavor. It requires a 24/7/365 days a year drive, dedication and commitment to growing your business. It isn’t a hobby – it’s a lifestyle and you need to be prepared for the ups and downs. Times of scarcity and prosperity but you dive in and do what needs to be done.

The digital environment gives you a broad scope to share your message and your mission. You have a voice but you must have ears to listen and offer solutions. Communicate quality rich content and engage every day, building your communities and your networks no matter how you feel. No matter what is going on in your personal life. You have a business to operate.

“When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser. The choice is yours and yours alone. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile that failures refuse to travel. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure.”  Mary Kay Ash

It was once suggested to be personable, not personal. There can be a fine line depending on your social platform but sometimes a mix of both gives your audience a peek into your life and who you are. You have the opportunity to share a glimpse of yourself, your passions, your dreams and your pains. Keep it real.

“People relate to stories. Tell yours in a way that allows others to connect with you in a real and authentic way.” Rebekah Radice

In this reality of online relationships, your option to share a piece of yourself will also help to build trust and loyalty, showing the person (s) behind the brand.

You are human and not just a logo or a company pushing a widget.

You are as human as your audience; don’t treat them like machines.

Social media is not a conveyor belt to sling blah content to the masses.

Companies come and go every day; it is a sad fact. Many entrepreneurs and start-ups put their “blood, sweat and tears” into growing their business, and sometimes it falls apart. It could be the market, the niche, the financial climate, but it happens. When or if it does, it doesn’t represent failure, but a time to redirect and navigate the changes.

Innovate and review your industry, methods, systems and processes.

    1. Take a step back.
    2. Breathe.
    3. Remove your filters and blinders.
    4. Change your viewpoint.
    5. Think about what may be missing.
    6. Where do your customers live online?
    7. What do they want?
    8. Eliminate your emotional ties and think strategy.
    9. Overlook your struggle.
    10. See this setback as a challenge to overcome.
    11. Don’t go down without a fight.
    12. What can you learn from your present situation?
    13. Scream “WTF” if you must but keep moving.
    14. Know that your dream is closer than you think.


What challenges have you faced as an entrepreneur? What measures have you taken to overcome the challenges toward success?

Entrepreneurial Success


  1. Nicole

    Great article! Great find with the video 🙂

    • Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant

      Thank you Nicole!! I appreciate it your time to stop in and comment. That is one of my favorite videos.

      Have a great evening.

  2. Victorino Abrugar

    Hi Suzie! Thanks for the mention. It’s great that you have tackled about the truth in entrepreneurship. I hope that this post will challenge every inspiring entrepreneur to make a change in this world. Entrepreneurs may not consider themselves the best in the world, but they are always doing everything to be better everyday.

    • Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant

      Thank you Victorino.
      My pleasure. You made so many fabulous points in your post and I really wanted to connect your thoughts. It is about doing your best and giving it your all. Success isn’t just measured in dollars. There is more to it.

  3. Ed King

    Great post, being an entrepreneur can be challenging, motivating and discouraging and sometimes all at the same time. Although business is a lifestyle, taking a step back and looking at the accomplishments, recognizing failures, strengths and weakness help us determine the right path to take every once in awhile. Setting realistic goals and keeping focused on who you are not on being a machine is imperative,helping others along the way will only help yourself in the long run.

    Thanks for sharing ! excellent


    • Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant

      Thank you Ed,

      You hit every word; right on point and I personally wouldn’t trade it for anything. It is definitely a lifestyle and a commitment, no matter what your business.

      Have a fabulous day and as always, thanks for stopping in to read and comment. I appreciate it.
