
Bold Your Goals | Ace ConciergeChange up the experiment if you want different results. Old news but so true. You can’t expect something to change if you are doing the same old tired routines day in and day out. No matter what it is, personal or professional, it is up to you to be accountable and design the success you want.

It is when you push the boundaries of your comfort zone that challenge and change become inevitable. This is your place for growth. Don’t buck change. Embrace it. When you become shaky, nervous, maybe even a little queasy, you will know that you just took that needed leap toward greater things. Congratulate yourself. Rewards are on their way to you.

Be Encouraged!  There is growth and life outside of your comfort zone!  Chery Gegelman

No one else will deliver your dessert. Use the finest ingredients if you want a tasty rich slice of cake.

Anyone can simply rip open a box and add water.  Toss the boxed mix, tin foil pan and plastic spoon.

Use the highest grade, unrefined flour. Raw sugar. Real cocoa. You get the idea. Nothing processed or prepackaged.

Dump the status quo and acceptance of being average to craft the pinnacle torte with chocolate ganache for full-bodied ecstasy on your tongue that makes your taste buds burst with excitement.

Can you taste it? What does it look like to you? What will it take to build this mouthwatering dessert?

No matter what your goals may be, it takes planning, commitment and time.

  • Envision your dessert and build it.
  • Set attainable goals.
  • Implement the tools you WILL use: whatever works best for you.
  • Create your plan with action steps and a timeline.
  • Be accountable.
  • Taste the ingredients. Modify if necessary.
  • Know that a redirect is sometimes required.
  • Challenge old assumptions.
  • Oven temperatures vary.
  • Don’t burn the chocolate.
  • Find a sous chef or two. Delegating helps you scale.
  • If your cake falls in, make another one. Failure is a success point.

Is it difficult or frustrating to instigate change? Hell yes. You have all been there. That is what life is about. You must take risks and get uncomfortable if you want to taste the reward of success. These outer limits that you test, show you who you are, what you are made of, your real strength and resolve and that you CAN do accomplish anything you dream about. The biggest risk, is not risking anything at all.

Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did. H. Jackson Browne, Jr.

It can be a scary place but strap on the mindset and turn on that mixer.

Be BOLD with your goals.

This is 2014 and time for change.


  1. Chery Gegelman

    Thanks for the mention Suzie! I got all caught up I. Your analogy… What are you making me for dessert? I think something with real chocolate will help me get started!

    • Ace Concierge | Virtual Assistant

      Morning Chery,

      You are most welcome!! Let’s cook up some phenomenal desserts in 2014!